Taking a Change

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Mack's eyes struggled open. "Oww..." he winced when he sat up. His whole body was sore, and the scratches he felt on his back told him the blurry memories weren't just a dream. He blushed at the thought of what they'd done. He knew it was the influence of whatever he'd drank, but even now, the idea of his friend sent a flutter through his stomach. He hoped that was the strange brew's fault too. He felt queasy as he stumbled out of bed and into the other main room.

"Look who's finally up," Madison laughed from the couch. The big woman was wearing a sports bra and tight yoga pants.

The sight of Madison's sturdy arms and exposed tummy hit Mack like a wave. He felt himself blush again, and the stirring at his crotch made him realize he was standing naked in front of his friend. "Uh, hey," Mack said sheepishly. He could turn around and put something on, but he just stood there, naked and blushing under Madison's hungry gaze. "So, uh, last night..." he said after a long, awkward silence. He wanted to tear into his friend, accuse him of slipping him a roofie, and say that he took advantage of him, but the words wouldn't come.

"Hell of a night," Madison said as she stood up.

Mack started to feel dizzy as Madison came near. "I don't feel so hot...whatever was in that stuff...I don't think it agrees with me..."

"Looks like it's working from here," Madison said, looking Mack up and down.

Mack was confused about what Madison meant but focused on his growing weakness. He was feeling shaky and exhausted. "What...what do you mean?"

"It's the changes starting. It doesn't feel so great now, but it won't last. A couple of days tops, and you'll be good as new."

It finally hit Mack what was off. Instead of being at eye level with the top of his friend's chest, he was looking at the middle. He took a step back and stumbled right into Madison's arms. "No...let go of me!" He tried to struggle, but the weakness was spreading. He could barely stand up.

"Let's get you back to bed," Madison said gently, like Mack had a hangover. "You'll see. When this is all over, you'll see. Take a look already." Madison propped Mack up in front of the mirror in the bedroom. Mack paled. He was a few inches shorter than he had been, but his lack of body hair was the most apparent change. What few patches he had were gone. His chest was smooth. His arms and legs were bare. His crotch and armpits were equally naked. Even the two-day stubble he should have had on his face was absent.

"What...what is this? What are you doing..aaaahhh...." Mack doubled over in pain as Madison lowered him to the bed. He stared up at his friend in horror as another spasm hit him.

"This part's gonna be rough, but you'll get through it," Madison said, stroking Mack's forehead. "Just relax and don't fight it." Unfortunately, Mack didn't get a chance to ask what that meant before he blacked out.

Mack faded in and out of consciousness. He ached from head to toe. His body felt like it was trying to turn itself inside out. He couldn't lift his head to look at himself, but even through the pain, he could tell significant changes were happening. Madison kept a vigil beside him, bringing him water and ensuring he was still alive. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Mack was at least able to speak.

"Madison..." he croaked. His voice was hoarse but sounded different than it should have beyond that. "I need to get to a doctor...please..."

Madison just smiled down at him. "No, you don't. If you've made it this far, you're in the clear. The first twelve hours were the riskiest. You should start feeling better now."

"No...I can't...you can't keep me here! I need to..." Mack tried to sit up, but Madison pushed him back down. Even that small amount of exertion made the room spin around him.

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