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I can't believe that I'm actually going to finish the whole series. Dati plan ko, focus muna ako sa My Ex Is Back tapos focus na 'ko sa ibang series, but I just found myself finishing the whole series! I can't believe we're down to the last installment ng Love Academy Series and that is Mae's story.

I hope you learn a something or two, I love Rose and she's the sweetest for me. Rose is very far from me but somehow I can relate to her and I managed to do her, to let her character grow. While writing this, marami rin akong natutunan.

People who envies you will drag you down. Don't mind them, keep forward na walang hinahatak na iba pababa. I realized that no matter how good you are may mga taong mas nakikita pa ang mali mo kesa e-appreciate ang maganda mong nagawa. And I hope we don't do that. I hope we always appreciate things we have and don't have.

I hope we learn to clap for others beauty and achievements.

Let's live in a world full of positivity, let's be grateful of what we have and others have. The Lord only give us things that we deserve, we need, and will help us grow and mold us to become a better person. Envy is always there, but try to count what you have? You'll realized that countless is your blessings.

And always be humble, always learn to be humble, and of course learn when to fight when it's too much.

Don't let anger take over you and change you. You might regret it.

Love is a wonderful feeling everyone should experience, but always remind yourself that suffocating kind of love is not healthy. To love is freedom.

And I don't know if I did well on this, on teaching this. But for me, sometimes parents don't understand their child, vis a vis to children who sometimes don't understand their parents.

Parents are always there to guide us, but of course sometimes you have to take risk to learn in this world. I just want you to realize that we/you children have all the rights to talk to your parents, and parents have a responsibilities to listen amd understand their childrens.

Things are always cool amd good in the middle.


Thank you so much for the love and support you have given me. I appreciate all of it. This success of mine won't happen without all of you, love.

Thank you so much!

Yanna Hearts
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