Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I had come over as soon as Cardi got to the house and asked her a million questions about her interaction with Louie.

First, I planned to ignore Louie as I thought he was trying to clout on social media, but the fact that he found Cardi and approached her made me upset.

Brooke had explained to me that Cardi had to pull out her gun on Louie as he grabbed her arm and that Cardi was shaking all the way home.

I could tell that her interaction with Louie shook her up, so I knew I had to do something about it.

I knew my family needed to be protected whenever I wasn't around. My family needed a bodyguard.

It was best to get a bodyguard as soon as possible to protect her and the kids when she wasn't with the family or me.

"Until I deal with Louie, I'm getting you a bodyguard," I said to Cardi.

Cardi sighed.

"I'm not even going to argue with you about this; do whatever you want," Cardi said.

I stared at her in shock. Typically, she would have fought me on this matter, but I guess Louie must have scared pretty severely for her to give in.

That made me even madder as I wasn't used to Cardi being scared and so vulnerable. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I promise you you're safe. I won't let anything happen to you," I said.

"I hope so," She said.

"Do you want to help me pick out your bodyguard?" I ask her.

She shook her head no.

"No, I'm leaving that to you. I want to go lay down," She answered.

"Cardi," I said as I put my finger under her chin to lift her head to look at me. "Everything is going to be okay," I told her.

She sighed.

"It's just that I left New York because I was tired of the drama, and I wanted an everyday life of being a mom, working, and not being angry all the time, and now this freak is causing me stress and anxiety. I don't care what you do. Just make sure he doesn't come near me and our kids, hell even near you, Maddox," She said as she moved out of my arms.

I nodded.

"But also please be safe and do not end in prison; because just like how our kids need me, they also need you," She said.

"I won't do ain't crazy," I said.

"Okay," She said.


"Axel. Axel, wake your ass up!" Janay tried not to call for her husband too loudly as she did not want to awaken Stormi, who was sleeping in the bed with them.

"What's the matter?" Axel asked as he sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. He looked at the clock on the nightstand, and it was two in the morning.

"It's time," Janay answered as she rubbed her hand across her lower back.

"Time for what?" Axel asked, confused.

Janay rolled her eyes, got out of bed, and started to get ready to go to the hospital. Axel got out of bed and followed Janay around as she put things in a bag.

"What are you doing?" Axel asked.

"My water broke," Janay said as she cut off the conversation as she went into another contraction.

"What? When? How long?" Axel asked as he was now fully awake. He took the bags out of Janay's hands and placed them by the bedroom door.

"Ten minutes ago," Janay answered as she walked over to the bed and picked up Stormi.

"Put her down," Axel said as he rushed over and grabbed Stormi.

Janay rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let's drop Stormi off at Cardi's house so we can go to the hospital," Janay said.

Axel located his cell phone and dialed Cardi's phone number. He placed it on speaker.

"Hello?" Cardi's tired voice answered the call.

"Hey, Cardi. Janay's water broke, and she is having contractions, so we're dropping Stormi off to you," Axel said.

"Can I just come to the house and stay with her?" Cardi questioned.

"Girl, what about the kids?" January replied.

"Maddox is here," Cardi said.

"Bitch, you lucky I'm in labor, or else I would be grilling you right now," Janay panted.

Cardi sucked her teeth.

"Nothing is happening; He's sleeping in the guest room,"

There was a knock on Cardi's door.

"Hold on," Cardi told Axel and Janay as she got off her bed and walked towards the door to open it and find Maddox standing there. "What?" Cardi asked.

"I heard talking, so I came to check on you," Maddox answered.

Cardi yawned.

"Janay went into labor, and I need to go get Stormi," Cardi said.

Maddox paused.

"You stay, and I'll go get her," Maddox said.

Cardi nodded and placed the phone on speaker.

"Y'all heard that?" Cardi asked Axel and Janay.

"Yeah," Axel answered.

"We'll get in the car and meet you halfway," Janay said.

"Okay," Maddox said.

Cardi shuffled around quickly then got back in bed as Maddox rushed downstairs.

"Okay, I'm going back to bed; call me if y'all need anything. Janay, have a safe delivery," Cardi said.

[2] The Wife; sequel to The NannyWhere stories live. Discover now