Pt. 13 Ascended To Demigodhood

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Mirio leaves the room.

Y/N: So, you sure you want to live the rest of your life with me?

Nejire: Yes.

Y/N: I'm adding another 940 years, if that's okay with you.

Nejire: I get to spend it with you so I'm all for.

Y/N: You wanna get Tamaki and Mirio signed up for this?

Nejire: Yeah. It's good to have some just friends. After all, we can remain heroes for our actual natural lives and then live hundreds of years afterwards.

Y/N: Alright.

Mirio and Tamaki-

Mirio: He won over us.

Tamaki: Well, that's it, we lost her to some manipulative prick.

You open the door.

Y/N: I know you don't wanna talk but just hear me out.

Mirio: What is it?

He says after sighing.

Y/N: So, because I'm a Demi God, I live for roughly a thousand years, Nejire is getting ascended so she can do the same.

Mirio: Of course you coaxed her into that.

Y/N: She wants you both to be ascended as well.

Tamaki: After how we treated her? Like sure, you're a piece of shit but we hammered you guys.

Mirio: Why?

Y/N: Geez, you guys wanna get ascended or not? A million is a hard goal to reach without a few more active years.

Mirio: If I change my mind?

Y/N: It can be reversed. You'd get along with Aph, you share the trouble you caused me.

Tamaki: I'd say do it. We could all use an extra few hundred years.

Mirio: Okay, fine.

Y/N: aight Nej. He said yes.

You all join hands as you hail for Hermes.

Hermes: Hey what's up?

Y/N: Take us back.

He makes circles around all of you. You fall into Communal Heaven.

Y/N: Ayo, G, how long's it been?

God: Around a week but yeah, long time, no see.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm requesting an ascension for these three.

God: Didn't two of 'em give you nothing but trouble?

Y/N: Yeah, they did. Nejire wants them to live as long as her, though so, I guess I'll give her that.

God: Alright.

He snaps his fingers and small, glowing particles light up around the three, the particles suddenly burst, signifying the end of the process.

Nejire, Mirio and Tamaki were now Demi Gods.

The momentous occasion definitely called for a celebration, but that would have to wait, after all, you didn't exactly have the materials to get a party started.

I'll take her to Dionysus and we'll have a drink or two, she should be able to handle it, she's a Demi God now.

Y/N: So. What you wanna do?

Nejire: I think I'm gonna clear everything with the other two, I'll hang out with them for a bit.

Y/N: Okay.

They all walk away, clearly having something to talk about. You sit on a chair, slamming your rear end on it. You let out an exhale that Hades could probably hear from where he was.

God: You good bro?

Y/N: Yeah. Finally.

God: Good to hear.

Y/N: How was everything?

God: Aph was laughing like a madman randomly. Apart from that, usual shit.

Y/N: Demonic incursions?

God: Nope.

Y/N: Titans?

God: Nothing.

Y/N: Succubi? They're frequent.

God: Not even. Wait. There's one, looks like...shit!

Y/N: Where?!

God: She's getting Mirio on her.

You dash to the location and kick the succubus away, breaking the ghost boy out of her trance.

Succubus: You're good. For a Demi God. Come, let me feed.

A purple wave comes from her, eyes, you close your own as the wave hits you, nothing gained from the ability.

She growls and dashes towards you, you dodge her strike and grab her tail.

Succubus: Shit!

You slam her into the ground, cracking the floor as you do. She gets up slowly, struggling with the pain.

Succubus: If you want to get rid of me, you'll have to kill me.

Y/N: Very well.

You pierce the succubus' chest with your kunai, throwing her off of Communal Heaven.

Y/N: You guys okay?

Mirio: Yeah.

Succubus: I'm back.

She flies back to where she was, hole still in her chest.

Y/N: I don't have time for this.

You pull your palm back, the rest of your hand forward, you slam your palm forward, creating a shockwave that causes the succubus' heart to explode.

She starts laughing.

Succubus: Nice try. Did you really think-?

You repeat the action, turning her into a red mist.

Nejire: That just put me off everything.

Y/N: Sorry about that.

Aphrodite approaches you, a confident stride in her step.

Y/N: What do you want?

Aphrodite: I'll take it as a thanks for getting you two so close together.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Aphrodite: It's a long story. Call it a plot twist if you will.

Y/N: What happened?

Aphrodite: You really want to know, don't you? Boy, have you changed from the boy who wanted to borrow an Arrow to cause her to fall in love. You're glad you took the B, aren't you?

Y/N: Aph. Get to the point.

Aphrodite: Ha. We're Gods. You know how we like to beat around the bush.

You sigh, knowing full well that it's only her that does that.

Aphrodite: Meet me down with the mortals, at the chicken place.


Aphrodite: Yep!

She teleports away in a pink smoke and a few heart shaped constructs.

Y/N: Right. I should teach you how to do that.

Big Three: What?! We can do that?!

Y/N: It's a basic God ability. Demi Gods have it too.

You teach them the rudiments of the ability, how the manipulate the energy given to them. Nejire picks it up and teleports around to anywhere and everywhere. Mirio picks up some of the power, whereas Tamaki only performed one teleportation before throwing his guts up.

Y/N: Oh yes. That sucks. Alright, grab on.

They all grab onto you.

Let's find out what this is.

One Arrow, One Trip (Nejire Hado x Demi God reader)Where stories live. Discover now