Pt. 3 The Greatest Plan

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You relax in the sun, taking all the pressures of a mortal life away. Again, images of Nejire Hado, racing through your mind.

What the Hell? I want her so badly, why can't she just exist?

You pull out your phone and watch the scene again, your favourite one. The energy rose scene.

Gotta thank that Yuyu chick for getting that nice dress.

You put your hand on the image.

Damn it! Why can't I just have you.

You were supposed to relax, all that would happen is it would pile up.

Y/N: This Nejire chick is so lovely, I wish I could have her.

You say, watching the energy rose scene for the four hundredth time. Your head perks up, an idea.

Y/N: Hail to Aphrodite.

You say with little vigour in your voice.

Aphrodite: What is it?

She appears behind you, spooking you.

Y/N: You remember that favour that I had with you?

She sees the paused image.

Aphrodite: Pervert.

You chuckle.

Y/N: I've been touch starved long enough, you know?

Aphrodite: If you think that love is about the the hands on, kissing and that other bullshit, you're in for a rude surprise.

Y/N: I know it's not all about that.

Aphrodite: How are you even getting in there?

Y/N: Hermes can travel to fictional worlds. Go in there, use one of your Cupid Arrows to make her fall in love.

Aphrodite: You disgust me. But, a favour is a favour.

She brings up a Cupid Arrow.

Aphrodite: My debt is paid. Don't ask for another one. If you screw this up, you lose the chance, or maybe you can foster love, naturally, like a normal mortal.

Y/N: Alright. Geez.

Aphrodite: To be honest, I don't know why you bother. That one, she'll die before she hits sixty if she uses that power as frequently as she does. (A sad truth.)

Y/N: Can't I ascend her?

Aphrodite: Only with Big G's approval, she can ascend to your level.

Y/N: So that's a yes?

Aphrodite grunts and turns her head to the side, knowing it'll be easy. She gives you the arrow and leaves.

Aphrodite: You better make that count.

You stare at the arrow in your hand. B-type,


These ones only lasted a few days and really didn't cause anything major, just caused people to be more open to the idea of loving a specific person. You had to foster that shit on your own.

Well, now to Hermes.

You ride up the tube to Communal Heaven, Big G, already there to greet you.

Y/N: Yo, Big G. Hermes here?

God: Shit bro, um, I think he came through. He might be at Ceres.

Y/N: Ok then.

One Arrow, One Trip (Nejire Hado x Demi God reader)Where stories live. Discover now