Pt. 11 Nejire. Forgive Me

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Y/N: Nejire.

Nejire: Yes?

Y/N: I've done something. It was horrible. I regret it.

Nejire: What is it honey?

Y/N: You remember when you got pricked in the leg after my first class?

Nejire nods, still smiling at you.

Y/N: It's an Arrow, a Cupid Arrow.

Nejire: So, you pricked my leg with an Arrow?

Y/N: Yes. It was a B-type. It was only supposed to open you to the idea of loving me.

Nejire: Well, it sure worked.

Y/N: It was supposed to open your mind to the idea, not make you fall in love unconditionally. I was meant to foster the relationship so that you'd still love me when it wears off.

Mirio: From the horse's mouth, he basically drugged you.

Y/N: I was selfish, I'll admit! She still has most of her mind. She can choose whether to stay or go.

Nejire: Honey. I choose to stay.

Y/N: We'll see again on Friday when it wears off, basically if you still love me, that's when it becomes truly genuine.

Nejire: Baby. What are you saying? You know I love you, right?

Y/N: Yes. And I do too. But, it's just, I don't know if it's completely real.

Nejire: It is.

Y/N: We'll know on Friday, okay?

Mirio: Don't you touch her until then.

Nejire: Togata! We're still together! You can't just-

Mirio: You're not thinking straight! He just admitted to making you love him and now you defend him!

G. I've torn everyone apart. I can't do this anymore.

God: It's points like these that'll test you, you're almost there. Just so you know, she's already yours.


God: She truly does love you now.

How do you know?

God: I'm literally God.

Right. How can I know?

God: Take my word, okay?


You open your eyes to see Nejire and Mirio arguing still. Nezu enters the room.

Nezu: What's happening here?

Mirio: Y/N drugged Nejire into loving him.

Nejire: It only opened me up to the idea, he didn't make me do shit!

Nezu: It's a shame to see you two arguing.

Mirio: I know. Y/N needs to learn that making people love you is wrong!

Y/N: You think I don't know that!? Nejire. Can you tell him how many sleepless nights I've had? How much tension I always have? The fact that you can't hold a conversation with me without me bursting into tears?

She nods.

Nejire: He's been in a really bad way. I can't explain or imagine. His mind is rushing with thoughts. It's painful to see him like this.

Mirio: I say let him suffer for what he's done.

Nezu: Are you sure that you are in the right mind?

Mirio: Just because he regrets it, doesn't make what he did okay.

Nezu: I will leave you, there's nothing I can really do, you can sort it amongst yourselves.

He leaves the room.

Y/N: Togata. Can you please get out?

Mirio: Fine. I'm not leaving this. If you do anything to her, God help you.

Y/N: Heh. He probably will.

You chuckle through the river on your face.

Nejire: I'm guessing you're not okay?

You shake your head.

Y/N: I'm really sorry. I just, loved you so much and, I wanted you to love me back. I just got overcome with greed and took you.

Nejire: You still had to actually love me.

Y/N: Look Nejire. I'm really sorry. I regret everything, should have tossed the damn thing and actually hung out with you. As friends. Next, we could've been, I just didn't have the damn patience.

Nejire: I can see why you're upset with yourself. You went in and used love magic to open my mind and heart, you still had to take the step to go in.

Y/N: It doesn't matter now. I've done the deed and now, everyone is gonna find out. Are you prepared to lose all of your friends for me?

Nejire: Without a second thought.

Y/N: That's a bold statement to a man you just met.

Nejire: If they can't deal with the fact that I fell in love, then they can shove it up their ass.

Y/N: I just don't want me to be the only thing you have. That's all.

Nejire: Always considering me. Your greatest trait. Come on. You need anything?

Y/N: Eh. Cuddles? No. Mirio will flip a fucking table.

Nejire: Do I look like I give a shit about Togata right now? Sure, we'll work through this, but at the moment, he's being an asshole.

Y/N: I don't know.

She rushes in and basically tackles you, throwing her arms around your waist. You rub the back of her head.

Y/N: I'm sorry. For everything.

Nejire: It's fine.

Y/N: You almost hurt Mirio for my dumb ass.

Nejire: I'd do it again.

Y/N: I just wanna stop thinking about this.

You start to cry a river again.

She pulls her head up and brushes the hair away from your face. She kisses your lips and pulls back, smiling at you.

You smile back weakly, knowing you couldn't be truly happy.

Y/N: Nejire?

Nejire: Yeah?

Y/N: I was talking to Big G. He gave me some good news.

Nejire: Really?

Y/N: Yeah. He said that he can confirm that you love me truly. As in, when the Arrow wears off.

Nejire: That's great honey. You know, there's even more?

Y/N: What?

Nejire: Before I got pricked with what I now know is The Arrow, I kinda thought you were cute and hot.

Y/N: Really? So I could have you loving me even if I-

Nejire: Don't, okay?

Y/N: Okay.

She kisses you again. She lets you both lay down, her on top of you. Her face rests on yours with her giving pecks on the nose, you put your face to the side of hers, both of you kissing the other's cheek intermittently.

One Arrow, One Trip (Nejire Hado x Demi God reader)Where stories live. Discover now