Chapter Six

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"And that's how we met."

"So he ruined your life from the first time you met?"

"No! He didn't know!"

"He always believed that Batman wouldn't do that to mean because of that stupid personality he puts on in front of guests. He's not as much of a fun guy as everyone says."

"Why did he do that to you?"

"I dunno. I guess he had nothing better to do."

"I'm sorry that happened to you."

"It's fine. I'm not there now and I'm never going back. Though, I still have this feeling."

"What feeling?"

"The feeling that somewhere, somehow, he's still controlling me. He's forcing me to do this. It's like he's the reason Kid Flash left."

"Maybe you should listen to that feeling."

"Maybe, but I'm not sure. For now, my mind still stands on my original thoughts."

"Do you think you could ever forgive him?"

"No. Not at all."


"I hate him. I know it's a strong word, but it's the only word I got."

Beast Boy looks at the clock and yawns.

"Welp it's getting kinda late. I'm gonna head to bed."

"It's only nine o' clock..."

"Yeah. Been trying to go to bed early, brah."

"Oh. Well good night then."

"Night, Robin."

As Beast Boy goes off to his bed to rest, Robin sits alone on the couch thinking about his past.

Something about it all didn't make sense. Almost like a puzzle with a missing piece, but the piece your looking for is under the couch. It's so close, but you can't find it.

"Maybe I'm wrong."

"Maybe this isn't his fault..."

He sat and pondered for a while before hearing the elevator ding.

He looked back and saw the three new recruits walk in.

"Hey guys. Beast Boy just went to bed so I guess make yourselves comfy in the other three rooms. Not the room with my face on it because that's obviously mine."

The three nodded and walked off to the hallway, leaving Robin alone again.

After a while, he grew very tired and ended up passing out on the couch. He'd never done that before because of how uncomfortable it was.

He was woken suddenly by the crime alert going off. He accidentally rolled off the couch onto the floor and stood up.

The other Titans rushed in.

"It's Killed Moth and his weird mutated worm thing! Titans Go!"

Beast Boy was relieved to hear those loud commanding words again.

The five rushes to the scene and witnessed the beast destroying buildings and throwing cars.

"Alright! Let's finish off crime season with a bang!-"

As Robin pulled out his staff, a car pulled up onto the roof.

Obviously, it was Kid Flash.

The two didn't say anything to one another. They just stared into each other's eyes.

Kid Flash then went to the side of the car and opened a small door. Inside was an eject button. When he pressed it, the three ex-Titans went flying out of the hot tub and onto the hard brick roof.

"Have your team back. I don't care about crime season anymore."

Kid flash then got in the car and drove off.


"Raven. Just open a portal and get rid of that thing."

"Uhh are you sure? I thought we were supposed to do something cool or whatever."

"Raven. Do what I say."

Raven shrugged and opened a large portal that sucked the beast in, causing Killer Moth to fall off.

"Yay we did it...."

After a pitiful celebration, Robin climbed down the building and walked off.

"What's his deal?"

"I thought I knew... but I'm still not sure. The pieces aren't really fitting together for me, and I don't think they are for Robin either."

"Oh, I do hope friend Robin feels well soon."

"Me too Star. Me too."

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