Chapter Five

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"Master Grayson, you have a visitor."

"A visitor? Who is it Alfred?!"

"Meet Wally West. He's the same age as you. I hope you two get along well."

Alfred leaves the orange haired kid alone with Robin.

"Hi! I'm Richard, but people just call me Dick!"

"That's kinda mean...."

"Oh no! That's just a nickname for people named Richard. I'm not sure why though."

"I'm Wally... I came here with Flash."

"Woah woah woah! Wait! Are you kid flash?!"

"Y-yeah. How do you know me?"

"I've seen you in my superhero magazines!"

"Usually your face is covered by text or something, but that's why I wanted to meet you! We're so alike!"

"Wh... what do you mean?"

"No one really notices us! We're just the sidekicks to them, but in reality we're really cool and tough!"

"Yeah... tough..."

"Why is your room so shabby? I thought Batman would give his sidekick at least somewhat of a decent room."

"Oh well, I asked him before and he said that's because if I spent all my time looking at riches, I would be too consumed in them to focus on my training!"

"So you never got anything cool or expensive from him?"

"He gave me this!"

Robin grabbed an old rusty pail that has a face on it drawn in black marker.

"This is Mr. Happy! I named him that because he smiles all the time!"

"Batman... GAVE you that?"

"Well, kind of. He was going to throw him out, but I begged him to give me him instead!"

"Hehe! I had to do a lot of dirty work to earn Mr. Happy!"

"You had to work for him?"

"Of course! Batman says that nothing in life comes to you for free! You have to either pay for it with money or some hard work."

"What exactly did you have to do?"

Robin goes on to list several things he did to get Mr. Happy.

"You did all that for a bucket?!"

"Not just any bucket! He's my best friend!"

Wally sighed.

"Come on! Let's sneak out and have some real fun!"

"You don't think playing 'Put the Marble in Mr. Bucket' is fun?"

"I don't think that, I KNOW that. Trust me."

Wally grabs the poor boy by the arm and drags him out of the room.

"O-ok! That as enough fun! Let's go back now!"

"Pfff you're hilarious! We just got outta there! Let's go outside!"

"Outside?! No no! We can't! Outside is bad! I'm not ready for that!"

"What are you talking about?! The outside is fun and exciting!"

No matter how many time Robin tried to break free of Wally's grasp, it didn't work.

The two finally ended up outside of the mansion and near a large cave. Wally looked at it with a puzzled expression, while Robin was petrified.

"Why does this cave have a steel door on it?"

"No idea! Let's go home now! We had a ton of fun!"

Before he knew it, Robin saw Kid Flash trying to lift up the gate.

He gave up after a bit and then noticed a window.

He grabbed a nearby rocked and reeled back his arm.

Wally let the rock go and it smashed the window open, causing it to shatter into thousands of tiny shards.

Robin's tiny heart seemed to stop. His mind was completely blank except for one thought.

"I'm going back to the room, and I am never going to be let out."

Wally then grabbed his new friend's arm and dashed inside.

He gasped in excitement and wonder.

"It's the bat cave! The actual real life bat cave!"

"Yep! Now that you see it, we should go and maybe hide our tracks like saying a robber came in or the joker or something."

Wally chuckled.

"Why are you so stressed? It's not like Batman is gonna kill you or something."

"If only you knew..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Let's just keep looking...."

The two looked around for a long while before they heard a shout from outside.

"Who broke my window?!"

"It's Batman...!"

"Come on! I know what to do!"

Kid Flash grabbed Robin's arm again and dashed behind a stack of barrels.

"Let's scare him!"

"No! Let's not do that!"

"Hehe! Too late!"

Wally jumps out from behind the barrels which causes Batman to stumble backwards and knock into the bat mobile. A dent is made from his hard-armored suit.

"Oh no..."

"Whoops! Sorry mister Wayne! Didn't see you there!"

Batman's face became red with anger.


Robin slowly stepped out.


Batman gave him a wide eyed glare.

"Yes... sir...."

"That's better. Now, say goodbye to your friend."

"Bye Wally."

"Bye Richard! See you some other time!"

"Yeah of course!"

The Flash takes Wally and the two leave the bat cave. Batman shuts the large steel door and then turns back to Robin.

"You know what that dent means, don't you?"

"Yes sir."

"What does it mean?"

"The room."

"Good. Now go."

"Yes sir...."

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