The Pandorica Opens 3

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"Hello, Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica, takes the universe." The Doctor's voice echoed around the famous stone monument.


Terry blinked rapidly, clearing her vision.

'What was that?' She wondered as River's computer led her to the bookshelf. She stopped and started looking over it while Terry's attention was caught by something white hanging off Amy's wardrobe.

Terry walked over to stand in front of the wardrobe where Amy's wedding dress was hanging over the door. She frowned.

"When are we?" Terry wondered aloud when River suddenly called her softly.

"Angel, look at this."

Terry turned as River picked up one of the books. Terry's eyes widened and she quickly joined River by the shelf.

"Impossible." Terry breathed as she stared down at the copy of 'The Story of Roman Britain' that River held.

"My favourite topic at school. 'Invasion of the hot Italians'." Amy had said.

Terry's eyes quickly moved to the rest of the books on display and instantly they landed on the book sitting innocently in front of all the others. 'The Legend of Pandora's box'

"So, it's kinda like Pandora's box then. That was my favorite book when I was a kid."

"Amy." Terry whispered, her blood going cold.

"We need to call the Doctor." River said grimly. Terry didn't even pause to breathe. She pulled her phone and dialed in the space of three seconds.

He answered on the first ring.

"Angel, where are you?" The Doctor whined. "You and the Tardis were supposed to be here two seconds ago. Or was it two hours?"


He went quiet at once at her tone. Terry explained quickly while she and River flipped through Amy's book.

"Don't raise your voice, don't look alarmed, just listen. Those Romans? The ones River sent to you, the ones you're with right now? They're not real. They can't be. They're all right here in the story book in Amy's house. A children's picture book. And River and I found signs that something was here before us."

"Why are you at Amy's anyway?" The Doctor asked in a puzzled tone.

"I don't know exactly, the Tardis was acting up. But the real question is, how is this possible? How can they be the same?"

The Doctor hummed in her ear. "Something's using Amy's memories."

"But how?" River demanded, leaning over Terry's shoulder to speak into the phone.

"Angel, you said something had been there?" The Doctor checked and Terry nodded.

"Yes. There are burn marks on the grass outside - landing patterns."

"If they've been to her house, they could have used her psychic residue." The Doctor murmured thoughtfully. "Structures can hold memories, that's why houses have ghosts. They could've taken a snapshot of Amy's memories."

Terry looked around uneasily while River started to flip through the rest of Amy's book.

"But why?" Terry asked aloud.

"I don't know yet." The Doctor admitted slowly. River leaned back over Terry to speak into the phone.

"Okay, so, who are those Romans?"

"Projections, or... duplicates." The Doctor answered in a low voice.

"But they were helping us." River protested. "My lipstick even worked."

Storm: Angel and DemonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon