The Doctor's Daughter 2

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As they made their way further in, Donna drifted forward toward Jenny. Perhaps she felt a little bad after her harsh words earlier, and Terry was happy to see the soft-hearted companion making an effort to get to know the Doctor's daughter. She wouldn't mind doing the same, but the Doctor's grip on Terry's hand kept her firmly beside him. Glancing up at him, Terry sighed at the stony expression on his face.

"You don't even know her yet." Terry commented softly.

But the Doctor's mental voice was harsh as he responded, "She's a soldier, she just does what she's told without any question as to the cost."

"Because she hasn't been taught better." Terry insisted. "She has your genes - she can know good if we just teach her there's more to life than fighting."

But the Doctor's jaw just tightened, and Terry gave up... for the moment. Instead she listened as Donna said to Jenny kindly, "I'm Donna. What's your name?"

"Don't know. It's not been assigned." Jenny answered with a shrug a slight shake of her head.

"Well," Donna said slowly, "if you don't know that, what do you know?"

"How to fight." Jenny answered as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

The Doctor's jaw worked beside her and Terry grimaced. Jenny was definitely not helping her case at the moment.

"Nothing else?" Donna prompted, but it was the Doctor who spoke up next, his tone flat and dismissive.

"The machine must embed military history and tactics, but no name. She's a generated anomaly."

"Theta!" Terry elbowed him, giving him a reproachful look to match her mental tone.

Jenny glanced back at them curiously but Donna thankfully turned the discussion around as she mused aloud, "Generated anomaly. Generated. Well, what about that?"

She tapped Jenny's shoulder in question.


Jenny's face turned thoughtful and she repeated slowly, "Jenny."

"I like it." Terry chimed in from behind before the Doctor could stop her.

A smile appeared on Jenny's face as she looked back and she agreed, "I like it too. Jenny. I'll be Jenny."

She beamed as she faced the front once more. The Doctor made a face that no one but Terry saw, and Donna called pointedly over her shoulder, "What do you think?"

She glanced back as she added in a lower voice, "Dad?"

The companion's pointed look told Terry that she knew Terry was fine with anything while it was obvious the Doctor was the exact opposite. The Doctor didn't reply at once but at Terry's gentle prodding he sighed.

"Good as anything, I suppose." He muttered and Donna eyeballed him shrewdly.

"Not what you'd call a natural parent, are you? Despite your age." Donna commented rather dryly.

But the Doctor shot back without missing a beat, "They stole a tissue sample at gunpoint and processed it. It's not what I call 'natural parenting'."

"Rubbish." Donna sniffed. "My friend Nerys fathered twins with a turkey baster. Don't bother her. "

"You can't extrapolate a relationship from a biological accident." The Doctor argued.

"Er, Child Support Agency can." Donna retorted. "Besides, Terry seems to have accepted it so why can't you?"

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