Drunk • Eight

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"Where's Kaya" Bruce asked

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"Where's Kaya" Bruce asked.

"She had to get fresh air but when I went to look for her she was gone."

"You check out side and in the lobby i will check in here."

Jason head out to the lobby.

"Hey do you know where the girl that I came with is she had brown hair, blue eyes, about this tall."

"Her name was Kaya right."

"Yes her name is Kaya do you know where she went."

"Yeah my brother gave her a envelope and then she headed out side and never came back in."

Jason nodded his head "Can you tell Bruce that as well."

The guy looked up at him "Hey I don't work here I just sit here intill my brother gets off of work."

"Listen here I don't care if you work here or not go tell Bruce."

The boy nodded his head in headed in the ballroom. As Jason walked out the building.


Walking down the street drunk off her ass.  Laughing at nothing in particular. Falling down time to time. Trying to get up when a guy grab her.

"Hey" she laughs "let go of me that hurts" she tried to pulled from his strong grip.

"Kaya it's time to go home. Are you drunk."

"Drunk as a" she pause "Kite" laughing.

"Why are you laughing. Bruce isn't going to be happy."

She laughed again "Bruce that's a funny name Bruce" she spoke slowly when she said Bruce.

"Hey aren't you like my body guard or something. If so where are my shoes my feet hurt." Showing him her feet.

"You took them off, now let's go." He hadn't took his grip from her.

"Ok Mr.Rudy since you asked so nicccly" she was drag along.

"Shit Bruce is going to kill me."

"Aww but I really liked you."

He smiled but quickly wiped it off. Walking into the building seeing Bruce standing at the front desk.

"Good you found her."

"Hiiiiii, are you the one they call Bruce" she giggle.

"Is she drunk, she seems way to happy."

"Yes I found her falling on the ground" he sighed.

"I will call Alfred to pick you guys up."

"Noooo" she gasped.

"What you like Alfred."

"We going to have fun." She changed the subject.

Bruce nodded his head calling Alfred.


Making their way inside.

"So do I call you A, Fred, or what about A money."

"No Miss. Kaya you call me Mr.Alfred."

"Lame, A money seems better for now on I'm going to call you A money ok."

She said closing her eyes slowly and opening them slowly.

"Master Jason you should get Miss. Kaya to bed."

"Yes Alfred."

"Bye A money sorry I couldn't hang." She chuckle.

Jason made his way the stairs before they even reach the steps Kaya made Jason hold her.

Playing with his hair as he walked down the hall slowly falling asleep.

He made his way to her room looking down at her seeing that she fell asleep. He smiled and place her on her bed pulling the cover over her.

Made his way to her door way when she called out for him.

"Jason stay with me."

He turn to look at her seeing give him puppy dog eyes.

"Only this once."

She smiled.

"Have I ever did you wrong."

"What" he whispers.

"Have I."

"No never."

"What if I do would you forgive me." She looks up seeing him stare down at him.

"Of course I would forgive you Kaya where is this coming from."

"No where. Could you hold me please." She whispers.

"Yea, yeah." He said moving closer to her as she layed her head on his stomach.

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter. But do you think she tell him about her dad sending her messages and threating his life?

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