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"Becky," I sighed, "I'm sorry. I'm just upset and confused."

She crawled over the seat and leaned to kiss me very softly, "And running yourself into the ground. Come in with me, Jake, okay? Don't drive off upset like this? Please?"

I sighed, I had a ton of reading to do still.

"Do you have anything due tomorrow morning that isn't done already?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Then you can skip my tutoring tomorrow and do your reading then, come in with me now please, okay?"

I sighed and turned off the car engine.

She kissed me again quickly and then slid out of the passenger side and got out. I got out of the car myself.

Technically, I wasn't supposed to stay after midnight on a school night, but it wouldn't be the first time Becky had snuck me into her room after curfew. We took off our shoes and crept through the dark house like cat burglars. She opened the door to her room and took my hand as she crept inside. She closed the door behind us and turned on her desk lamp.

"Sit," she said quietly and pushed me down on the bed.

I did.

She straddled my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Baby, I'm honestly too tired to make out," I said, surprising myself by both my honesty and it being true.

She just smiled and pressed her forehead against mine.

We just sat there like that for a while. Then she gently kissed each of my eye lids.

"Lie down," she said.

I sighed with fatigue and did.

She slid off my lap and lay next to me.

I lay there for a while, struggling not to go to sleep. After a couple of minutes I think, I started to get up, but she held me down with her arm.

"Becky, I have to drive home still," I said protesting.

"No you don't, go to sleep. You're too tired to drive. I'd freak out worrying about you until I saw you at school tomorrow. Plus you'd just go home and do your homework and not sleep," she whispered into my ear.

I flopped back on to her bed. "I can't sleep here, both of our parents will freak," I said.

"You think my mom doesn't know we're sleeping together already?" she asked teasingly.

I blushed, "You know what I mean."

"Yeah I know, I can't stay in here with you. I'll go sleep on the couch. But I'll tell my mom the truth that you were really tired and I didn't want to let you drive home. She'll be fine with it."

I sighed again. Frankly I was too tired to argue.

She kissed me again and I lost all will to fighter her on the issue. She slid down and took my shoes off and pushed my feet up onto the bed, then got back in and cuddled up next to me.

I put my arm around her and tried to relax. Tried to put Kevin out of my head, tried to push aside my guilt for slacking off on my reading; tried not to puzzle out what it was I was feeling. The problem was is I liked figuring things out, so giving up on a problem was not in my nature.

Sleep won though, after probably a very short time.


For the first time, I woke up in a girl's bed, rather than my own.

It was disorienting at first. It took me a good minute or two to remember where I was and what had happened. I was still completely dressed and laying in Becky's bed, she was not in her room, but the door was open. It was morning, I glanced at the clock, 6:30. Ugh. Class started in just forty five minutes.

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