
14 3 3

The girls really knew how to throw a bash.

Becky hooked her arm in mine and jerked her head at the dance floor. I grinned and waved at Jenna and her date. Jenna raised an eyebrow at the two of us and I just shrugged with a smile as I let Becky drag me away. She pulled me by the hand into the middle of the dance floor and we started to dance.

I'd danced with all of the girls, and even a few of their other friends several times. Both at parties and when it was just the five of us hanging out. As I said, they loved to dance; three of them were cheerleaders and I think being a good dancer is a prerequisite or something. So I had long since gotten over my self-consciousness about dancing with a girl. Besides, in the middle of a big dance floor, no one is paying attention to you anyway.

Besides, the best thing about dancing, in my opinion, was watching the girl you were dancing with.

All of them loved to dance, and they were all really good at it. Normally when we danced, or more accurately when I danced with one of them, they would stand a little ways away from me and just kind of put on a show- sometimes for me, sometimes for themselves, sometimes I guess even for their date who was usually not far away watching. Either way, I got to watch one of my sexy friends move her body provocatively and with the kind of self-abandon you really could only get away with on a dance floor. It was always worth watching. Plus, it was an excuse to stare at them without being weird about it. After all, I was supposed to watch my dance partner, right?

This time, when I went to stand a little ways apart from Becky like we'd done many times before, she put her right hand on my shoulder and stayed close. She began moving with the music and put her other hand up in the air over her head. She stayed close enough that we kept bumping into each other a little bit awkwardly.

I guess they'd never taught me how to dance with someone, just next to them.

Luckily, Becky was a sport and just grinned at me. She put her hands on my hips and got me moving with her, and then we were really dancing together.

Friends - it's a totally different experience than just watching.

One song bled into another, and she turned around and put my arms around her as she wiggled her sexy body up against me from behind. At first, I felt a little of my old self-consciousness returning, as this was a new situation, and I wasn't sure how to respond. Once again, Becky saved me and put my hands in the right places, which were her lovely hips, and she moved her ass up against my crotch.

And yes, dammit,.

I was pretty embarrassed, but that was apparently what she was after because she just looked back over her shoulder and smiled at me with a little wink.

Fuck it, I had no idea if this would ever happen again, I was going to enjoy this. Besides, she started it. So I went with it.

We danced for at least four songs, during which time she'd rubbed not just her ass but her hips against my crotch and then her breasts up against my chest. This was definitely not dancing a little ways away while I watched her visually tease me; this was a whole new level of tease.

By the time the fourth song was over, I needed a break, both from the rubbing and the exercise. I jerked my head slightly in the direction of the sidelines, and she nodded in agreement. She took my hand, and we moved back out to the couches. On the way, she grabbed a couple of red plastic cups that had been filled from the keg and handed me one of them. I was not a fan of beer, but fuck, I was hot and thirsty. I gulped it down gratefully.

We didn't see any of our friends on the couches, so we headed upstairs. Upstairs the music was noticeably quieter.

"Having a good time?" she said to me with obvious flirtatiousness.

"Wasn't it obvious?" I said back with a wry smirk.

"Oh yeah," she laughed and kissed me again. A guy could get used to this spontaneous kissing thing.

She pulled away from the kiss, and I could see all three of our friends staring at us with varying levels of surprise. Jenna just laughed and cheered a little, Alison had a smug amused grin on her face, like she had a secret in-joke only she was privy to. Chloe though had naked astonishment on her face.

For a second, I felt a twinge of guilt, like I had cheated on her somehow. But then I saw the guy she was with, Jeremy Davis. Yeah. No guilt. Guilt gone.

He smiled at me though and even held his hand out to give me a bro hand slap. Normally I wouldn't, but I was still feeling weird about the look Chloe had given me.

"Hey man, happy birthday," he said. Like we were buddies.

"Thanks, man," I replied.

"So you and Becky, huh? Nice, bro," he said.

I forced a smile out.

"Just a date for the night, birthday and all," I said.

"Totally," Becky said with a pleased smile on her face, "Besides, I've been thinking about planting a smooth one on this guy for a while; wanted to give it a try."

Okay, now it was my turn for naked shock...



Some chapter are longer than others, and there is not a sex scene in everyone. (Though some have more than one.) More importantly, sex is a thing that happens, it's not written to be titillating, but rather just as events.

You can directly Jump to Chapter Named Awfully Cute. To avoid the scene.


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