Chapter 24

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Sitting at the table playing with your phone waiting for Mercedes to hurry up out of the bathroom. You see two of the waiters running into the ladies room and some woman running out with her hand over her mouth. 'Call an ambulance!' 'Call the police' 'she's dead!' 'What's happened?' 'A girl has been attacked in the bathroom'

'Mercedes?' No way! It can't be she's probably helping. Maybe you should go help!

'Does anyone know this young lady!' The front of house staff comes to my table "excuse me miss? I think the girl could be your friend"

No way it's not happening! "She's in the bathroom"
"I recognise the dress!"
You stand, you run and you get to her, she's laying there in a pool of her own blood, you can't recognise her she doesn't even look like her. You kneel beside her!
'An ambulance is on its way they're about 2 minutes out they said not to touch her'
My best friend, she's not breathing her chest is so still, she's not moving! "Mercedes! It's me can you hear me"
Your pulled away and the paramedics take over

"Excuse me Miss? .... Miss?"
You snap out of the flashback and a doctor is standing in front of you!
"Sorry I was"
He nods his head "We haven't been able to get through to Mrs Downey's Husband"
"He's probably in bed, they have a little boy and he knew she was out for the night"
"She's still in surgery and right now it's critical is there a way for you to get a hold of him?"
"Yes of course I'll call my partner and he can go get him"
"Thank you Miss"
You stand up and walk outside and ring Raf, you haven't called anyone it's now 2am! She could die and you haven't done anything! Rob needs to be here! Come on Bella!

"Bella? Where are you?"
"Raf I'm at the hospital"
"What happened?"
"Mercedes.... She was attacked! She's in surgery and no one can get hold of Rob I need you to go get him please"
"I do not know him"
"Raphael! Mercedes could die! Please"
"Of course my love I will head there as soon as you text me the address"
"Tell him to bring Robbie and I will have him"

You hang up the phone and text him the address. You walk back into the family room and wait in there chewing on your finger nails anxiously waiting for news on your best friend.

Rob's POV

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

That bloody woman has forgotten her keys! Robbie starts crying from the loud banging! "You gotta be fucking kidding me!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

"For fuck sake Mercedes! STOP FUCKING BANGING" you shout down! You walk into the Robbie's room and pick him up to stop him crying "Mommas crazy, let's go let her in" you walk down the stairs and to the door and when you open it this strange man is standing in the doorway
"Mr Robert your wife is in hospital"
"My name is Raphael I am Bella's partner and I don't know much but Bella is at the hospital Mercedes is in hospital she's in surgery"
"Why hasn't anyone called me?"
"They have!"
"Come in! What's happened?"
"Where is your phone Robert?"
"Kitchen! It's charging"
"Your wife has been attacked pretty badly according to Bella! The hospital and Bella have been trying to call you with no luck so Bella sent me here! She's telling to to bring the baby and she will watch him for you"

Panic rises through your body! Mercedes has been attacked ! You hand Raf the baby and you run up the stairs to throw some clothes on.
"I'll drive!"
"You'll have to I don't drive I had to take a taxi here"
"Let's go now!"

You get in the car and drive to the hospital, your hoping that this is all wrong a case of mistaken identity! Impossible you know but you have to hope! Robbie is crying in the back of the car and the strange Italian is trying to soothe him, you can barely speak your focused on getting to her! She needs you.

You park the car and get out "please look after my son" you shout as you run into the hospital! Running through the wards "Mercedes Downey" the receptionist looks at you "my wife is here she's been attacked Mercedes Downey"
The receptionist looks down at her computer, is she fucking serious! Doesn't she get how stressed I am!
You turn and see Bella standing there her dress soaked in blood her face aged 10 years with tears and bloody shot eyes, you walk to her and wrap your arms around her, she wraps her arms around you
"She's in surgery rob, she went to the bathroom I don't know what the hell happened"
"Why didn't you go with her?"
"She went on the phone to you, then text that she was going to the toilets"  you pull away from her and look at her "what have they said?"
Her tears are back again
"They don't know if she will make it she's critical right now, most of the blows she's taken are to the head"
"Who did this to her?"
"I don't know, I was at the table and the front of house staff came up to me, he recognised Mercy's dress and told me to go to her, I ran to her but her face Rob she doesn't even look like her"
"What the hell? Why would someone do this to her?"
"The police were called but I wasn't leaving her I needed to be with her, they said that they will be coming to us later but I don't know what to say! I didn't see anything I've let her down"
"No you didn't, our house was broken into while she was pregnant and I feel like someone is always watching us! It can't be a coincidence that all the people out last night that it's Merce that gets attacked! It's all connected"
"Rob we don't know that"
"It's something!"

Your sitting in the family room with your head in your hands, Robbie is playing in the corner with Raf and Bella is trying to find a doctor! You look at your watch and it's 5am you've been here hours, looking at Bella with her clothes stained with your wife's blood it makes you sick! If you hadn't phoned her would she have been okay?

"Mr Downey?" The doctor stands in the doorway You jump up
"That's me"
"I'm really sorry"


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