6 | Rescue Attempts

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Running. A very tiring activity when done without rest. It can cause the sides of the body to strain and the feet to burn from the pain. But what other choice did the resistance have when all they could do was run?

"I have a plan!" Nya called out as she started panting through her breaths. They had been running for who knows how long with no plans of stopping.

"If it's going to help us stop running, then what are you waiting for?" Skylor demanded from her left which made the water ninja nod.

She began to slow her pace until she was side to side with one of the bikers. With a swift kick, he was off the bike and Nya grabbed a hold of the handles before holding it over the other biker's head who ducked and lost his balance.

"Hop on." Nya commanded. Skylor took the seat behind her while Lloyd and Darreth took the other. Out of all their allies, only 4 remained.

A high speed chase of motorbikes was seen through the highway as the SOG caught up with them. Lloyd was suddenly thankful the ninja had taught him how to drive, otherwise they would have ended up captured a long time ago.

After going through all the possible places a motorcycle could go on as attempts to try and get them off their tail, the resistance finally lost the SOG after ducking into an alleyway. They turned off their headlights and the engine which made them blend into the quiet of the night.

"Finally." Nya sighed in relief as they all hopped down and immediately collapsed on the floor.

Lloyd looked around and found familiar boxes of take out sticking out from the dumpster. He tensed up. They were at his and Harumi's hiding spot.

He thought the battle would help take his mind off the girl but seeing that were at the exact same spot where the two would often share kisses or information made all the worry and memories flood back into his head.


"What do you mean he got away?!" Garmadon scowled. It was the middle of the night and Harumi was sound asleep in her cage. But all the ruckus going on around her made her stir.

"We had him! Then he just disappeared." Ultra Violet complained as she threw her helmet to the ground in frustration.

"May I remind you that he is a ninja. He does not want to be found."

Harumi's eyes fluttered open and she immediately stretched her back. Her neck ached with great pain for she had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position. With a small yawn, she rubbed her eyes before listening into the conversation.

"Find me, my son!" Garmadon demanded.

"We just captured their resistance. Is that not enough?"

"I will tell you when it is enough."

Harumi knew better than to go against the current ruler of Ninjago City. But she was glad to hear Lloyd got away. A small light of hope shined inside her heart. Maybe there was a way to defeat his father.

"Tomorrow. I will sweep the city of every building until I find the Green Ninja." Garmadon declared which created tension in the room.

It was already too far when he decided to wipe off a part of the city from day one, it was clear he would stop at nothing to get rid of the one obstacle in his path to power. Harumi mentally face-palmed for she was the one who gave him the idea.

"What have I done?" She whispered to herself in a disappointed tone. It was time she listened to Lloyd. She had to find a way to get out.

Morning came quicker than anyone wanted for it was the day Garmadon swore to destroy the city. Harumi was taken out of her cage and was placed in front of the Emperor.

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