1 | Stray Cats

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It had been 3 weeks since Emperor Garmadon had established his reign on the city. The streets were filled with chaos for the biker gang was now free to roam around wherever they pleased which caused a lot of damage to the homes and stores of the citizens, leaving the city to look like it had just come out of war. The people had to fight them for food and would often lose in the process.

"Hey! Give that back." An old lady demanded as a member of the Sons of Garmadon, who was disguised in a police uniform, took the box of noodles from her hands.

"Ooh breakfast. No can do lady. We rule this city now." He smirked and began eating as he walked away.

For the past few weeks, Lloyd watched as Harumi brought back his father and get taken to jail all in one day. He wanted to visit her at the police station and fix things with the commissioner but his friends never let him leave their sights. Not after being captured on the bounty which was not an entirely dreadful experience in his opinion.

Sirens wailed across the streets as the police arrested the members of the biker gang and shoved them into their cars. An officer was about to shut the doors to the vehicle containing Harumi but Lloyd stopped him.

"Help! What do I do now?" She whispered but kept a sad expression on her face to avoid suspicions from the people.

"I'll handle this, okay? Just don't give out any information to the police, they'll end up calling me and I can help you." Lloyd answered before looking around. "Whatever happens, I'm going to get you out."

"You really didn't believe what I said, did you? I had to keep the act."

"It's alright, Rumi. I did hit you pretty hard with my spinjitzu." He pointed towards the forming bruise on her cheek. "I'll talk to you later."

He shut the doors before standing back to watch as she was carried away by the police. Harumi however, managed to accomplish a lot of things in only two days. Without knowing it, the spell she casted worked and she took over Kryptarium prison with the one and only Garmadon. She had to admit, he was pretty intimidating but as long as her gang was pleased, she had to carry on.

"Pathetic!" Garmadon sneered as he threw another biker towards the wall.

Harumi watched the scene for she had just informed him about his power to unlock a dark potential. No matter how much she wanted to be happy, her thoughts were always trailing towards a certain green colored blond.

"You're gaining power." She commented as she watched his hand light up with a purple flame. "It will be useful in defeating your son."

That was definitely not what Harumi wanted, she only said those things to let him hear what he wants to hear. Although things did not go as she hoped. Harumi flinched every time Lloyd got knocked down by his father.

'Why would you come alone?!' She wanted to scold him for getting himself in this mess but she knew it was mostly her fault.

Then there was the part where she secretly comforted him as the colossus destroyed the bounty which contained the ninja.

"Rumi, why?" Lloyd looked up at her with tears in his eyes. This time, it was his turn to breakdown.

Lloyd felt like he had just been struck by the most powerful force there was and it left him completely empty. He knew they had to be on opposite sides but sometimes he wonders if things were just simple. Then they could be happy together.

Harumi removed the mask of Hatred before wrapping her arms around him. She ran her hands through his hair as the sky tram continued to move from below them.

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