LOAL A-3: Chapter 4: Arrival.

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July 30th 1923, Cargo Ship 9:55 A.M.

"Mmmmpfff..." I muttered as the ship blew its horn.

"Land hooo!" The captain said, I woke with a start.

"AAAAH!" I shouted being awakened rudely.

"Land Hoooo!" The crew said as I wheeshed steam without a driver.

"God DAMNIT! Can't I at least have a rest without a horn scaring me!?" I said being angry and was shouting loudly at them.

"Sorry buddy, We need you awake when we arrive, No time to rest for the weary!" A crewmate said as he walked past me.

"God, I can't get rest." I muttered as the crew heard me.

"Well that's the rule of being an engine." A sailor said.

"Whatever, I don't give a damn now that I need no time to sleep. The night is long and stuff, Everyone needs sleep at least." I said knowing I want to be sleepy again but the crew ignored it.

"Well. Aren't you a bold and brash one?" The second sailor teased.

"Shut it. When's the landing?" I said, Wanting to get out of this bloody annoying ship.

"About 10 minutes, Welcome to your new railway!" The captain said, I looked and it seems to be a bit bumpy. I looked with horror.

"..Save me, It looks awful!" I said looking like it's terrible from my view..

"Oh don't say it because it's first glance. Give it some time!" The crew said.

"Fine.. God I wish I wasn't waived by now." I whispered to myself, The ship arrived as I was craned out and my tender as I was looking around.

Altensdale Railways Docksides

"Ugh... This looks like it's been created by some rich people." I said being annoyed when a Class K engine puffed up.

"What the hell did you just say?" The blue Class K said, He was a little mad. With the number '65' on his tender..

"Uh, I mean... Yeah! You heard me!" I said not backing down.

"What did you say?" The Blue Class K said.

"Created by rich people." I said as I repeated myself.

"Oh, Yeah. It was back in 1917 when World War I was around, Thats how this railway was created." The blue class K said, I was confused.

"Huh, Alright. Who are you?" I said wanting to know his name.

"Keegan, I want to welcome you the Altensdale Railway Services." Keegan said introducing himself.

"Sure, Keegan... I'm alex, Just came here from the other railway." I said as I introduced myself also.

"Well, Since the controller is waiting. Im gonna tour for you." Keegan said as I to follow along as another tour was coming..

"Another tour?" I said.

"Yes we are. Another tour, This time, A bigger railway." Keegan said. He puffed off, So did I. As soon as we set off, We headed toward somewhere, I asked Keegan.

"What do you have for starters?" I said wanting to know what they had.

"A Dairy, A Farm, A Bridge to Barrow, A Dockside, Multiple Stations and yards, Massive sheds for engines, A engine repair place, A scrapyard and a cliffside, Though it's barred off because engines normally go there..." Keegan said remembering the things, Then shivers about the cliffs.

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