LOAL A-3: Chapter 1: A New Beginning.

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July 24th 1923, Shed station 44. 9:46 A.M.

"Zzzzz...." I slept in the sheds. Then a voice was heard.

"Hey..." A voice quietly said as I slept some more.

"Zzzzzz...." I said, The voice shouted so loud.

"HEY!" The voice shouted as I got startled awake, I then began running my eyes around.

"Ugh!? What? Who? Where?" I said as a engine looked at me.

"Hey! You. Wake up." The engine demanded right now.

"Ugh, What time is it?" I said as the sun was hitting my shed and near my eyes.

"You must be Alex right?" The red Victorian Class C steam engine said looking at me. He had a nameplate saying 'Vincent' on it. I was really confused on why he was here..

"Yes. Are you Vincent?" I said,  Trying to get awake.

"Yep. That's me." Vincent said looking at me.

"Oh, Yeah. I am Alex, Readying for my tour." I said as Vincent took exception my sleeping.

"Good, Rise and Shine. I am gonna give you a tour before you have your tests tomorrow." Vincent said, But my fire wasn't burning.

"Alright, let me get fired up real quick..." I said, Vincent was patient for me.

"Take your time." Vincent said, It took a while before my crew came and set me up. After waiting for a bit, I was ready to go.

"Thanks... Okay, Fire is ready. Water is good, Valve set loose. Okay old engine. Let's move on!" I said as I got moving.

"Thank god. That took a while." Vincent said as we were moving. We soon puffed around the railway checking around what was where and what. 

"Alright, So. We don't have a big railway but its not small either." Vincent explained about the railway's backstory.

"Huh, So a medium kind of railway?" I said as Vincent looked at me.

"You could say that. It's not busy but when there are three engines to possibly doublehead one train can mean trouble." Vincent said, The railway had it's own troubles and problems.

"Oh, So is that why I was built?" I said, Vincent looked at me.

"Yes. That is why." Vincent said.

"Do I have any brothers or sisters?" I said, Vincent sighed.

"No, You were built as the only one. Sorry Alex." Vincent said as I was looking down. But I took a breath and understood.

"It's fine Vincent."  I said, Knowing I was a one time thing. We arrived at a yard soon after.

"So this yard is what we call the Arshden yards. We always put our workers here." Vincent explained.

"What do they put in the yards? Just heavy trains?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Well I am more of a both passenger and goods carrier. Unlike the other two. They call me the strongest engine until you were built." Vincent said as I was surprised.

"Huh, You must be nice to have. And it is empty soo..." I said as I looked to find the yards empty.

"Well whenever they have no people. We put the black coaches in there. It happens when we are not used." Vincent said as he just smugged.

"Like what days do you not need passengers or freight to move?" I said knowing that is important.

"Really heavy storms and snow." Vincent said in those five words.

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