Chapter 1 "Coping and Moving On"

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That night, while we were eating dinner, I pushed my peas and carrots around my plate with one hand, and held my head in the other. "Stop messing with your food! Eat it." My mom said in her motherly tone.
I didn't even look at her, I just sighed and ate a bite of my dinner feeling sorry for myself. I must look pathetic, practically being forced to eat food and dancing around a room pity. I'm not really dancing because: 1. I'm too pissed and lazy to dance and 2. I can't dance. I would tell you about the time in 5th grade where I tried to dance with a girl, but we will get there later.
"Son, you've been quiet all dinner. What's on your mind?" My dad spoke in his relaxed, yet firm voice.
"Oh nothing, just some stuff at school." Hopefully he was buying it. I looked up and it looked like he was. But seriously, is he that blind to see that his job is ruining everything.
I finally got done with my dinner and headed up to my room. I sat there, watching the ceiling fan. They don't have to do anything, but spin in a continuous loop. They serve one purpose. Spin.
Sometimes I feel like I serve no purpose at all. Maybe one day I will figure it out...

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