Chapter Ten

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The next few days Brody was too busy to go to Valentina's boutique to meet her. With the shifting and the upcoming project at Austin, he was struggling.  His brothers and Chase helped him shift his stuff. He bought all the furnishings but he needed help with arranging them all over the house. 

So in the evening after his work was completed, he reached her house and asked for her mom's permission to take her home. 

"Valentina, let's go," he said holding her wrist and dragging her to his motorcycle. 

"Where are we going? I'm not even properly dressed," she said looking at her denim shorts and maroon top.

He grinned. "You don't need dressing up to go there, " he said as he climbed onto the bike. He wore his helmet and fixed hers.  She blushed at the closeness,  his fingers brushing against her chin and throat.  

Afterwards she climbed behind him, straddling the bike. Brody stared at the creamy long legs that brushed against his denim clad ones. 

Feeling too excited at the prospect of being with her the whole evening, he said,"Hold me, you'll fall." Her arms went around his torso as he smiled happily.  He could live like this forever with her soft body pressed against his back. He could feel her soft breasts heaving against his thin shirt. Tonight he would surely kiss her. Since that day in Austin, it was all he dreamt about. 

He started the bike and rode towards his new house. Parking in front, he switched off the ignition. 

"Is this your new house?" She asked in disbelief.  It was a beautiful three storeyed bungalow style villa with a huge front yard and a bigger back yard. There was a swimming pool and a bbq area. At the  corner of the swimming pool was a white gazebo.  The whole place was breathtaking. "It's beautiful. Did you design it?" She asked. 

"Yes, did you like it?" He asked. 

"Yeah, very much," she said shyly.  He grinned happily and held her hand, pulling her inside the house. 

"Help me decorate, Valentina," he said as she rolled her eyes.

"You're better at it than I am," she said and he grinned. 

"I'm better than you at many more things. Wanna try me?" He said coming close, with a grin. 

"No, thank you," she said pushing him away. "So, what do I do, tell me," she asked eyeing the curtains lying folded on the couch. She picked them up. 

"You're going to fix those? I couldn't figure out how to fix them," he said and she grinned. 

"What an architect you are! " she said eyeing the ladder. Brody dragged the ladder under the huge bay window. Valentina climbed to fix the curtains while he stood there watching her. 

"I'm an architect, not an interior decorator," he said.

"There, done," she said, checking her handiwork. 

She climbed down and soon they had fixed all the curtains in the living room. She arranged the crockery in the kitchen cabinets and the wine glasses in the bar. She arranged all the groceries in separate containers and labelled them. Brody helped with everything.

They were done with the downstairs rooms and went upstairs. She fixed the curtains in his bedroom. She blushed seeing the huge king size bed imagining him lying sprawled there every night.

After changing the bed sheets and fixing the pillowcases, she was about to leave and go to Benny's room when an arm snaked around her waist and pulled her against his chest. His face inches from hers, he stared at her, eyes dark with desire. 

Take My Breath Away (Summers Love Series Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now