Chapter Nine

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The next day Alexia's car broke down. She went to Brittany's house to collect the samples and show her presentation that she had prepared to show an important client at Austin. It was a retail showroom in Austin dealing with readymade clothes. If they got the contract, their profits would double and they would have to send their branded clothes for retail there.

"I'll never reach the meeting on time now," she wailed.

Brody went to drop Benny at Brittany's house as he would be leaving for Austin on a project. The moment he saw Valentina, his heart skipped a beat. Benny ran to her and hugged her leg. She picked him up in her arms,"Mommy, see my new dwess?" He chirped excitedly. 

Valentina blushed as Brody's eyebrows shot up and Brittany stood with her jaws dropped to the floor. 

"Nice dress," she said and Benny put his hands around her neck.

"Will you come to the new house, mommy?" He asked, hopefully. 

"Hmm," she said as Brody simply stared at her.  

Brittany took Benny from her arms,"Benny, come Vera's waiting to play with you," she said as she took him inside.

Valentina looked down with her cheeks flushed trying to avoid Brody's probing gaze. Brittany returned,"Brody can you take Valentina to Austin. You're going there anyways. Her car broke down and she's getting late for an important meeting," Brittany said.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go then?" He asked and she nodded,  picking up her stuff. 

He opened his car door and helped her inside, keeping her stuff at the backseat. 

They were soon on their way. "Next week Benny and I will shift to our new home. Will you come for the housewarming get together, next Sunday?" He asked her, briefly glancing her way.

"Yes," she said and he smiled happily.

"I'll come to pick you up at 9 o'clock in the morning.  Ok?" He said.

"When's the party?" She asked. 

"It's at 12 noon, but you could help me a little. I'm lost," he confessed,  his cheeks turning a little pink.

"Oh of course," she said, smiling. She would love to help him.

After talking about the meeting that she was going to attend, he dropped her at the hotel where the meeting would be held. "When will it get over?" He asked. 

"In 2 hours maximum," she said.

"I'll come and pick you up at 12 o'clock. Ok?" He asked. 

"Yeah, come up to the conference room," she told him.

He nodded and left with a smile. He was excited to see Valentina again after two hours. He drove to his project site to finish his work.

Valentina's presentation went well and got over nearly fifteen minutes before twelve o'clock. Everyone left and the housekeeping staff were clearing the conference room when Brody walked in.

"Done? How did it go?" He asked her. She had removed her blazer and the white crepe blouse clung to her body, her cleavage was visible through the front buttons, two of which were open. Her navy blue pencil skirt reached above her knees and clung to her shapely hips. 

"It went well," she said, turning towards him. "What happened to you?" She asked, shocked to see blood trickling down his forehead, over his cheek. 

"Nothing much, I was at the construction site,  I banged my head against an edge," he said. She asked the housekeeping staff for a first aid kit. She handed it to her and left. Locking the door, Valentina came towards Brody,"Sit, let me take a look," she said. 

Brody smiled and sat on the conference table. He felt excited when Valentina went closer to him and cleaned his forehead with an antiseptic. He didn't say anything, although it stung like hell. He was so preoccupied with her standing in between his legs, with her face inches away from hers, her soft hands on his face that he was feeling completely lost. 

She applied a bandaid and when done she said,"There, done. Next time be more careful. You should get a tetanus injection," she said with concern. 

"I had taken a shot two months back," he informed her, his eyes travelling all over her face, settling on her pink mouth. Her plump lips drawing his attention like a moth to a flame. 

"Let's go home," she said. His hands shot up and removed the lock of hair that had fallen over her cheek. The tender touch made her shiver and she felt goosebumps all over her. Brody noticed her reaction to his touch. He trailed his fingers down her cheek, to her jawline as she stood staring at him, lost in what he was doing to her. 

His thumb touched her lips tenderly, his sharp intake of breath indicated that he was on fire. She closed her eyes when his thumb parted her lips and caressed them roughly. His arm went around her waist as he pulled her flush against him. He lowered his head and smashed his lips to hers. It was a soul stirring kiss full of three years of pent up feelings. Valentina plunged her tongue into his hot mouth, deepening the kiss to a new level.  His groan, aroused her more. He let her kiss him and then took over control, dominating the kiss. His hot tongue probed and explored her sweet mouth. They were so lost in each other that they didn't hear the knock on the door. 

Suddenly they broke the kiss at a loud knock on the door. Embarrassed and with swollen lips, Valentina opened the door to a smirking housekeeping staff. "We've got to clean for the next event, ma'am," she said courteously. 

"Yeah, we were just leaving, " she felt like a naughty teenager, sneaking kisses at forbidden places.  She was so embarrassed that she couldn't look at Brody but she had to admit that she was completely aroused by that one kiss. What would happen if he made love? Oh what was she thinking? Blushing furiously, she collected her stuff. Brody helped her. 

He was disappointed that the kiss ended so soon. He could fuse his lips with hers permanently. Now that he had a taste, he was drowned, with no control whatsoever. He would have to taste her again. Kissing her felt so good, more than he ever imagined in his dreams. 

They climbed into his car, "Are you hungry? Will you have lunch with me?" He asked, staring at her.

"Yeah," she said shyly as he grinned. 

"Finally, she says yes," he mumbled but she heard him distinctly. She felt bad for all the previous times that she had missed going out with him, but it's better late than never. 

They went to an upscale restaurant. Valentina loved the wall waterfall at the entrance of the restaurant. The interiors were classic with a splash of greens and bright flowers. They ordered Grilled Chicken Avocado Wrap, Turkey burger, two Chocolate caramel puddings and sweet potato fries. 

They discussed a lot of topics, from Chase, to Benny's mischiefs and his cooking endeavours which never turned out good. They discussed the menu for the housewarming party. 

Valentina loved this little outing with the love of her life. It felt as if she had known him forever. As she sat there listening to his rich baritone voice,  she knew in her heart that she wanted him forever. She wanted kids with him. She wanted to grow old with him.

Take My Breath Away (Summers Love Series Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now