Chapter Four

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Bryce and Ivory got married a month back and Briar was busy with Ivory's cousin Alexia who was staying at their ranch. The way things were between them, Brody could see another wedding coming up in two months. Blade had lost all hopes of finding the love of his life and he overworked himself to forget his grief. Bronson was away at Austin pursuing his MBA in finance and accounting.

Valentina didn't know how to discourage Brody anymore. She knew he would visit her everyday and she just went with the flow, not showing much interest in him, ignoring him or just answering him in monosyllables. Alexandra still called her telling her about hers and Brody's sex life. She usually didn't pick up her phone but when accidentally she did pick up, it would be only to excuse herself and disconnect the call after a few minutes.

After eight months, Brody still came to visit her everyday. He would bring her a red rose. She didn't have the heart to throw them. She kept them in one of her lockers. The whole locker was full of dried up red roses. She didn't know what to do anymore. Why Brody kept pursuing her was beyond her understanding. He never showed irritation or impatience. He never yelled at her for her behaviour. In fact he was the sweetest guy she'd ever seen, going out of the way to help her. He never expected anything in return. He still asked her out everyday, but didn't ever curse when she made lame excuses.

Briar and Alexia got married and Blade met a beautiful girl on the church steps on the day of the wedding and brought her home. Her name was Brooklyn and she was hiding from her stepfather and stepbrothers who were after her property which she inherited from her mother after her death. Blade and Brody were busy the next month with the sheriff and the US Marshals team trying to catch her tormentors who had followed her all the way from Vancouver to Travis Springs. 

After four days, Valentina arrived at the ranch with her designs. The moment Brody heard her voice, he hurried down from his room and sat down in front of her before Brooklyn or his mom and aunt. 

"Show me the tuxedo designs," he said staring at her beautiful face.  

"Wait for the groom. He gets to select first," she explained as Brody groaned. His mom, aunt Olivia, grandma and Brooklyn came over and sat down around her. "Shift Brody. What are you doing here? Where's Blade?" Asked his mom. 

"I'm here to check the tuxedo designs," he said  sitting stubbornly.

"Go call Blade," said his mom.

"No mom. My place will be gone," he said, unhappily.

"Seriously?" His mom glared at him.

"Alright. I'm going," he said getting up and going out to call Blade, grumbling all the way.

Aunt Olivia chuckled. Poor boy, no one understood him. Even a blind person could see that the boy was head over heels in love with Valentina. He returned with Blade soon, like he ran to and from the barn where Blade was. 

They checked the designs, selecting the bridal gown as well as the bridesmaids dresses and the dress for the maid of honour. Alexia was the maid of honour as she and Brooklyn bonded well over the last few days. Ivory too became close to her but with her pregnancy she couldn't help her much. So Briella, Brittany  and Ivory were the bridesmaids.

"Will you be my bridesmaid Valentina? I want you to be," said Brooklyn as everyone agreed that she should be. 

"Ok, I'll have a dress prepared for myself too," she said excitedly. "Once they are all ready, I'll call you down to Brittany's warehouse for the fitting," she said smiling. She got up to leave. Brody led her to the door and went with her to see her off.

"So, Valentina, are you busy tonight? I was thinking of going for a movie," he asked.

"I'm always busy. I only watch movies with my parents at home," she said, going to her car.

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