Chapter 12 - To be a Fool

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We had a training class in the evening with most of the assassins in the main combat room. The room was used rarely but it was spacious enough that the population of a village could squeeze in. This was perfect, we had no reason to call the fight unfair, never did I fight Jisoo one on one. Every trainer told us that we were on different levels, probably cause they thought that Jisoo could beat me. I needed to prove myself here, but I need to not make it so obvious. I don't doubt that I can beat her, I was trained for this and more.

They both dusted their hands with the powder that was kept in a bowl outside, Jisoo took a moment to wrap her hands with a white cloth.

"I always see you wear those but you end up hurting your knuckles when you punch, so what's the point," I said eyeing her every move, why was she considered the agency's most ruthless assassin. I don't see much ruthlessness in her, she was the cutest- Uhh I meant nicest women here.

"Come on now Kook you think I'll tell you all my secrets on our first fight" Jisoo smirked at me, who does she think she is and what secrets are she hiding. She makes me more curious.

Let's start this I thought "Going over the rules" I say as I walk over to the grounds, everything around me had rules. The firm that I work in, the one that sent me this mission, had a method for everything, ever since childhood Tae and I lived this way and this was our world.

"Fuck the rules" She walked past me slightly hitting my shoulder. Was that on purpose? Who was this new person, did I go too far did I piss her off too much. If she's gonna be a bitch about this then I ain't backing down. I want her to know who she's messing with.

"You sure you wanna do this?" I asked her again getting her consent, making sure that when she won't complain about losing.

"Princess, you're wasting my time" she came back at me, damn it's like her mouth trained for this. She had a comeback for everything I said, kind of turned me on. I walked over to where we stood and waited for the trainer to give us a signal to start. No rules right so this should be hard, no need to pretend I guess. I usually take offense so I went with a right swing across to pin her down. Fuck she dodged it moving to the right like she was waiting for my punch. I won't give her a chance to punch me unless I allow it, she took a jab at my stomach that took me off guard for a moment. Damn, she knew her way around the training ground. We weren't inside the agency and the floor was made of sand so when I fell, it hurt like hell. I felt sand on the edge of my arm and face, I didn't bother brushing off, every second counted. I let her throw a jab at me which was faster than I anticipated, I dodged it thankfully but realized that the cloth around her fist was not tied to it anymore. She tied it to my fist, pushing me to the ground pinning me to the ground with my handheld on my back with my forehead touching the ground.

"Lay low fool" She whispered to my ear-bending her head down to my level. It was hard for me to accept it but I lost, I lost against her. I guess she earned her title. Looks like this mission was going to be fun. So that's why she wanted to that white cloth

But she would be a fool if she thought the fight ended here.

I used my force and took control of the white cloth that was still connecting us. I used it in my favor now pinning her to the ground my hand blocking her escape. My body towering her. I could smell the sweat, she was exhausted but wasn't thinking about giving up. She struggled to get out but I wanted to talk about this new attitude of her.

"What's with the attitude?" I panted through each breath still looking at her face. She looked offended by my words, I only said the truth. It might have been a little extreme to take all her stuff away but all I knew in my life was extreme.

"ME?! micheosseoyo your the crazy one, yesterday I had such a hard time and yet you act insensitive,!" She exclaimed, I could see the trainer take a step back, giving us space and inspecting the others who were also fighting in the room.

"I thought 'I was your favorite friend" I scowled, I wanted to make a dirty joke but I knew that would only backfire "I trusted you and told you that you could talk to me, yet to lie to me and hide shit." I didn't hear what I was saying, I wanted to take it back, I sounded like a child what was this behavior.

Why was I this hurt?!

She rolled her eyes quick enough for me to see it, her hands still prepared for any attack I might send her way."DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF.! It's like you only know about yourself, HOW CAN YOU TRUST SOMEONE IN THIS INDUSTRY, I HAVE HEARD MY OWN FRIENDS TALK BEHIND MY BACK HOW DO I KNOW YOU WON'T." The silence was loud, there was more pain to her words. I pushed her limit, I went overboard, fuck how do I make this better. I lightened my lock against her giving her space to get up but still keeping close contact with her. She got up still not being to look me in the eye

I messed up real bad

She muttered enough for me to hear "Give me one reason to trust you, I know your hiding something and I'm determined to find out what it is." She said the last few with her eyes locked into mine, vengeance filled her pupils. Her breathing was heavy trying to reach for air. Her hands pressed against the sand ground she pushed herself up and dusted her clothes. She signaled to the trainee about her leave and walked out, I could feel the gaze on me, it was like they all knew about what I had just done. She probably went to the showers to clean up, I better start cleaning her room and getting everything back. It's what I should have never removed to start with. I was speechless, I couldn't stop her from going away. It felt like shit, only if she was not my enemy I could have something, I could tell her so much. She was right, there is no trust between any assassin no matter how close you think you're with everyone there is no saying how they could it against you. On top of that, there was a spy going around, she was mad for all the right reasons and I fucked up in all the wrong ways.

I came here for just the mission, I should have listened to Tae, I should have not connected to these people. Jisoo was right, I let my guard down and now the mission might end before it even began. I might not be able to abolish the red contract, Hyung's death might be in vain.

Dont give up Jungkook, don't mess up.


✿ New chapter out

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✿ This is today's meme, I customized it a little cause I had extra time, hehe

✿ This is today's meme, I customized it a little cause I had extra time, hehe

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