Chapter 8 - Mister Detective

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Jisoo POV


The door could intimate you to not even wanting to open it. You gulped as you walked in with Jungkook by your side. You were still mad at him but you weren't sure was not like you liked him or something. 

"Welcome Mirage [Jungkook's assassin name] and 83 [Jisoo's assassin name] I am satisfied with your work," he said with his usual notepad on the desk and a pen directly proportioned to it. "Take a seat"

*Rustling sound from behind

The two noticed the noise they gave each other a confused look but proceeded to sit and shrug it off. "I have just called you here to congratulate you on your mission, thanks to you we have got the file back." Daesung continued in his own monotoned voice.

*silent giggling from a different spot

This cant be a coincidence right, the two still suspicious began to hold their guard up, looking at every corner of the room. While this was happening Daesung continued to ramble about some next mission and some important codes or what-such, but Jisoo could help but ignore his voice and be on the lookout for where this strange rustling was coming from. They were assassins after all.

"Jisoo, Jisoo do you understand, do you agree.....Jisoo?" Daesung and Jungkook kept waiting for Jisoo answer. "Sir wait, I feel like we have an uninvited guest," Jisoo said getting up from her chair and pulling her handgun out aiming for any possible surprises. 

"SURPRISE!" Jumped out a man behind Jungkook sounding very happy. He popped out with party poppers and danced around the room while the confetti fell to the ground

"HEOL SOOYA WHAT IS HAPPENING"  Jungkook claimed eyes wide, the two looked at their boss for some answer. Daesung kept his head down shaking it in disappointment "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" he screamed annoyed at his childhood friend. 

"Who the hell is he and why is he dancing your room?" Jisoo asked as the man continued to dance like a 12-year-old while she sat on the chair taking a moment from everything that was happening. 

"~Hyeong! you didn't introduce them to me. How can you do this to me D-light~" The weird man cried dramatically on the floor? If you looked at him, he could seem like a respectable handsome man, but the next second he could turn into a child you would have to babysit.

"D-LIGHT!" the two assassins exclaimed looking at Daesung and the childish man fight. 

"Aigoo" The stern boss massaged his temple before explaining "This was the whole reason I brought you here, this is my childhood friend Jinyoung "

"Boss you seem to have many childhood friends, did u feel attention deprived a lot" Jisoo joked finally not being tensed from the false threat she feared from before. The whole mood changed with Jinyoung around.

Daesung looked at Jisoo with stern eyes ~ I was not a loner~  "Sa-Gwa-Ha-Se-Yo sir" she nervously laughed apologizing like her life meant on it, only half of her knew it was a joke.

Jinyoung laughed it was not like he was mocking them but it was rather him enjoying the moment "These kids are too funny, no wonder you like them so much" 

This made Jungkook and Jisoo blush, not being able to control their smile. " ~You likkkke uss, you likeeee uss.~" Jungkook teased, this was another effect of Jinyoung being in the room.

"You know D-Light wasn't always this firm and set on rules, we both used to be part of  a gang." Hearing Jinyoung continues his story made Jungkook and Jisoo look at him with aw. "He used to be the nerdiest one in the gang, he kept on going about rules and how things should like that and like this." Suddenly his voice getting deeper "But if you mess with him he's one to fight. There is no one he cants fight, weight classes don't matter with him." 

"JJEOREO [DAMNN]! D-LIGHT! your super cool" They both fangirled over him. "Why do the police not work with you if you're doing good tho?" Jungkook asked out of the blue.

"We used to be the mainline of defense for the government but, this man ruined it," Daesung said lifting a picture of a cloaked man barely even visible. "If even see him run, even I don't like fighting with him," he said the last part more serious. "We can't get any info on him other than his agent name - Jeopardy.

"Aigoo don't get the kids scared already"Jinyoung retorted and then looked at us. He turned to the clock "Oh my it's already time for lunch. Looks like time flies when you're having fun with your Hyung." He moved in closer to the two and gave a wink

The two looked at each other nervously smiling ~Why does this guy creep me out~. He called D-Light Hyung does that mean he's younger than him. 

"Haha don't worry I won't bite, go ahead now." He laughed pushing their backs out the door. Once they were out the door they were left alone again.

Jisoo POV

You went ahead leaving Jungkook following you "Hey are you mad at me or something?" Jungkook asked bending down to your level still walking.

"Not necessarily, "you replied simply not even looking at the boy who looked dissatisfied with your answer.

"It's weird that your acting like this, it's like after I trained with Lisa, you swit-OHHHH!" Jungkook exclaimed feeling satisfied that the dots connected. "I SHOULD BE A DETECTIVE, I'm too smart!" 

"Don't flatter yourself, too much"You plainly said still walking not accepting to look at Jungkook.

"WAIIT Does this mean you were jealous... DOES THIS MEAN YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME DAE-BAK!"

He said. You two began to walk towards a more secluded. Nobody was around and the hallway was also quite narrow. "~You like me, You like me. Jisoo likes Jungkook.~" He sang

"HUL! as if!" You twitch hearing this trying not to beat him up but exclaimed in defense "What the Fu- hell no, like I would like someone like you. To me, it seems like you like me more."You protested finally turning to look at him giving him a smirk.

He only looked at you with his famous bunny smile " Ppung"

Suddenly you were pushed to the wall with Jungkook's hand blocking you from leaving "Is that so" He stared dead into your brown eyes. You two were so close you could feel each other's breath against your own. You could smell his scent on your, if you were an inch closer you two would be touching. You didn't like him ...right so why was this so hard. Sadly your body revealed a part of your true feeling.

"See your even blushing, therefor I was right, therefore making me a great detective." He said walking ahead of you leaving your face flustered. "Jisoo are you come or not" he was way ahead of you with his hands to his neck resting them as his elbows faced up. "Aigo Its already time for lunch and I have still not eaten." 

Leaving you behind Blushing...



you all must have noticed the new cover, I have an idea for changing the cover every month. I have so many cover ideas also please do send your fan art or cover through my inbox if you have any. I will add them to the story and credit you. I will be posting all the art or edits I get in a chapter after I finish the book. So don't be afraid to send them my way 😊

How did you like the story, have any suggestions drop them below?

Here is today's Blackpink meme, if you want BTS memes I can add that at the end too.

Have a great day my readers 💜 🖤  💖

Stay tuned!

🖤 Rhea🖤  


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