Beloved || Naib Subedar

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Sorry if I haven't updated for so long, school is stressing me out

Anyways, here is a uhh maybe angst? Not really sure lol

»»————- ✦ ————-««

Dear Colonel,

You may or may not see this note, but if you do, I'm truly grateful. I'm going on a very dangerous mission tomorrow, and I don't think I'll be able to guarantee my return.

If this is the last day of my life, it has been a joy to meet you. It was an honor to serve you and become friends with you. I'll never forget the day we caught fireflies in a bottle on a cold night; it was a funny memory, and we were like children. I don't recollect any past memories, probably because I'm anxious while writing this letter.

I do recall one memory, and that was the first time we met. I don't mean to offend you, but I first mistook you for an intimidating man. (If I survive my mission, I'm expecting a few punches here and there.) You were as well.. I'm not sure how to put this... Serious..? You've always had a frown on your face; you should try smiling a little more! Although you aren't as talkative as the other soldiers, your facial expressions are as open like a book.

Make sure to put a smile on your face when I come back alive! Also, don't forget about my favorite bread from the bakery we visited before, but if you are unable to buy bread, just get me some soup, that'll be enough! I know it's a lot to ask, but I know it's worth it since I'm sacrificing my own life!

As your friend, we always share secrets, though I usually don't tell many, this time, I'll tell one. Please keep this secret between us, okay? I understand that it is morally unacceptable for a man to love another man. But... I have feelings for you, and I despise myself because of it. When I'm with you, my cheeks flush, my heart skips a beat, and butterflies flutter in my stomach.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to feel those feelings anymore; as I previously stated, I may not return alive; however, I will definitely miss the feeling of your warmth and protection.

It's almost sunrise, and I only have a few hours until my mission. Last but not least, please keep yourself safe; don't worry about me!

»»————- ✦ ————-««

After a few days, (Y/N) and his team left, leaving no letters or words behind. Some are concerned, while others believe they have been caught or worse, killed.

The letter was not noticed by the others since it was tucked away in the colonel's desk. Days and months have passed (Y/N), and the others have yet to return, even though their expected return date has passed.

Only their weapons were discovered by the soldiers dispatched to find them. They're all presumed to be missing.

Due to the Colonel's desperation, more soldiers searched for them, but they all returned empty-handed.

The Colonel had finally opened the drawer of his desk on that fateful day. His curiosity persuaded him to open the letter, and as he did, his eyes began to water. It was too late.

Many years have passed since the letter was written. Naib, the former Colonel, was desperate to find him, but it was too risky to travel there. People assumed he was dead. Though the mercenary believes he is still alive and well somewhere.

He got an invitation to some strange manor just as he was about to give up looking for him. The invitation stated that they knew where his beloved is, but that to see him again, he must participate in the games.

With a bit of hope left in him, he quickly left the country and set out to find the manor.

He felt suspicious about everything as soon as he stepped into the manor, and he almost regretted entering. He was, nevertheless, still eager to see (Y/N).

The games finally began a few days later, with the gates opening to a gloomy map that was misty and smelt horrible. The only source of sound is the water waves beside the lake and the crows. The mercenary began decoding, but within a few moments, his heart was racing and a purple aura had formed around his chest. When he turned around, he saw a pale man with blood streaming from his chest. His chest and arms were wrapped in bandages, but they couldn't hide his heart, which was still pounding.

The man was terrified by the sight of the living corpse, even though they... Look... Familiar?

Nonetheless, he fled.

Naib came to a halt in front of a massive ship, scared by the monster's sorrowful face, which was almost identical to the one he saw before his beloved vanished.

He was so concentrated in his thoughts that he didn't notice the hunter standing nearby, waiting for his startled reaction before swinging his Kukri.

"If I were you, I'd... run..." In a melancholy tone, the hunter whispered.

Fear steadily crept up Naib's spine, and he cautiously turned around to face the hunter.

They sort of got into a gazing contest because they were too tense to move.

"Can you tell me why you're staring at.. me?"

Naib, who had been standing still for a second, bolted towards the nearest damaged window.

He tripped and hissed in pain as he leaped through a window.

"Are you hurt?"

When Naib looked up, he saw a sad face with two (E/C) staring at him with concern and a pale arm reaching out to him.

Naib was taken aback by his mournful expression as if he had seen that face before. He got to his feet and dusted off the dust from his clothes. "Aren't you going to chase me again?" he asks, a fierce and humiliated expression on his face.

"Oh! Yes! I had forgotten... If you feel like it, you can begin running right now." The hunter replied quietly.

"What? (Y/N) Have you said anything?" His hand rushed to his mouth. "You're not... Never mind! Get the hell away from me, M-Monster!"

The hunter's mournful expression slowly changed to one of surprise, and his heart wrenched at the insult Naib had said at him

"How did you.. know my name..?"

𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐕 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫     //Oneshots// (Requests Closed!)Where stories live. Discover now