Part 21

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A/N: please leave comments through out the chapter, let m know how you feel.

March 20th CONT

"Somebody get me out of here, please get me out of here," Jamal cried. His body shook, the chains around his legs getting louder with every shake. The dark skin felt a lump in his throat, hatred bubbling in his chest, his eyes red and bulging.

"I said get me out!" Jamal yelled, his voice hoarse. The woman in front of him jumped, afraid of her son; this wasn't the first time.

The guard placed his hand on Jamal's shoulder to calm him down. He was instructed to keep Jamal in the room until she spoke her peace. He saw the pain in the inmates; he felt terrible; he did, but he had to follow orders.

"Son," the woman cried.

"Stop fucking calling me that, bro, stop," Jamal growled, shaking his head, refusing to look the woman in the eyes.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Jamal, baby. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done this," the woman cried. She began picking at her nails, a damaging habit she picked up since her husband began abusing her.

Jamal stayed quiet. He didn't have to speak. He knew all the woman did before was lie and play the victim. He decided he was going to let her talk until he could leave. That was his best option. He would do anything to get back in that room with Hector and forget the world existed for a day more. Jamal cursed himself for always getting into awful situations like the one he's currently in.

"Baby, I'm sorry," the woman continued to cry. "I was stupid then," she sobbed.

"You're still stupid as hell for thinking you could come in here and cry to me like I give a fuck. I don't. You let me go through so much trauma and sent my black ass in here because I didn't want to see you hurt by him as he did me. My fucking bad for caring." Jamal snarled back. He was rolling his eyes at the petite woman in front of him. The guard behind Jamal had his mouth agape. Shock consumed his entire body.

Jamal's mother sat speechlessly. You could almost hear her heartbreaking. She saw the hurt she caused her son, her sweet little boy was no longer there, and it was all her fault. She was too clouded by the man she called her husband. Though he was dead, she felt she couldn't betray him, so she testified against her son even though he protected her.

It took her years to come to terms with what she's done for her to understand why she did it. She tried coming into the prison to see Jamal multiple times; however, she couldn't get past the gates. She was far too ashamed of her actions. Now she realized that she should have come earlier.


"Stop calling me that. I won't say that shit again" Jamal cut her off.

"I'm sorry, I just have some good news to tell you" she tried to cheer up the mood.

"Nothing you say will ever be good news to me, Barbra. Nothing," Jamal scoffed, holding eye contact with his 'mother'.

"Jamal, let me talk!" Barbra pleaded. "I want I want to get you out of here."

"You put me in here. I don't need anything else from you" Jamal turned around to the guard. "Can I get back to the room now?" He politely asked.

The guard shook his head in pity. Jamal groaned, leaning back into the metal chair.

"Jamal, please listen. It took me so long to be able to come here. I want to get you out of here. I know you can't forgive me for what I have done, and I don't blame you," Barbra whispered.

"I-I found the video of the night. I was getting ready to move from that house, and I found out that the sick man had cameras everywhere in the house. He—"

"Now he's a sick man. But I could have sworn you were on the stand calling him a 'respectful husband' and 'a loving father' dumb bitch" Jamal didn't hold back. The woman before him was saying everything that rilled up his blood.

Barbra winced at the harsh words coming out of her son's mouth. She couldn't say anything; she ruined the relationship with him. She betrayed him.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I just, I'm looking for a lawyer to help get you's the least I can do."

"I don't need your help, nor do I want to leave. I want you to leave me the fuck alone. Never come back here," Jamal growled. His words were sharp and final.

The guard looked at the watch on his wrist and sighed, relieved. "Times up. Ma'am, I will ask you to get up and head to the door. Another guard is waiting to take you back to the warden." Barbra got up and headed to the door. She turned around to look at her son, a sad look in her eyes. She saw how broken her baby was, how haunted he looked, and she's all to blame. She's the reason for this.

Jamal scoffed at her and looked away. He was refusing to stare at her any longer. Jamal heard the door shut before he finally broke down. He groaned loudly, biting on his bottom lip to stop his hands from shaking. Tears ran down his face aggressively. His legs shook.

The guard behind him couldn't do anything but softly pat Jamal's back. The man sobbed. It got louder every minute. He felt broken; this was the worst pain he experienced after seeing his mother take the stand.

Jamal put his head on the table, attempting to calm himself down. He felt defeated; nothing or anybody could help him now.

The guard got on his knees and unlocked the shackles. "Come on, man, let me take you back." The guard sighed. Jamal got up, wiping his tears; he struggled to compose himself as they left the room.

The walk back to the matrimonial room with Hector was short. The guard didn't know that Hector was there, so he tried to take Jamal inside. To Jamal's relief, Damien came to relieve the guard of his duties. The guard patted Jamal on his back again before leaving.

The dark skin man fought hard every bone in his body to hold on to his tears, "I'll see you later, bro," Damien dapped up Jamal, utterly unaware of what happened in that room. He unlocked the door to let Jamal in before he left.

Hector was in bed, still only in his boxers channel surfing. Jamal couldn't make it far. He slid down the door and brought his knees close to his chest before he began crying again. Hector heard the noise and quickly got off the bed to see his lover on the floor crying.

"Baby, what's wrong? What happened?" He asked, pulling Jamal up and into a hug.

Jamal couldn't fathom a way to tell Hector what just happened, so he hugged the taller man back and continued to cry.

Who does Barbra think she is... Chileeee

Do you all think Jamal should take the opportunity to get out? Or is it fuck Barbra.

As always, use this space to leave final comments! Thank you for reading.


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