Part 18

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A/N: To the new readers on LIP, welcome to the family! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, make sure to read the A/N at the end as well and as always leave COMMENTS!

March 10th 2019

Hector smiled, staring at Jamal from across the yard. He's been shamelessly mesmerized these past few days; no matter what he did, Hector couldn't stop thinking about Jamal, and in instances, like these, he couldn't stop looking. One could say Hector's ecstatic for Jamal's birthday in two days. He wants to make this as memorable as possible. Their circumstances aren't the best; one thing he doesn't want is for Jamal to be uncomfortable throughout, which includes feeling comfortable enough to be vocal. He only had two days to figure something out.

He's been trying, though, since Jamal told him he's been trying. He got Damien to get them condoms that they'll finally use and more lube. He couldn't ask anybody else for help because the only one that knew about them and was able to pull strings was Damien. What the fuck could Xander do for them except get him angry.

Hector contemplated asking the warden for some kind of help; he did owe him a favor, but how exactly could he phrase it? "Ima need you to give me a room; my boyfriend and I are finally about to fuck." He wasn't crazy like that. Hector groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. He needed to think of something fast.

"Hector, stop looking at him; you're gonna get the others to suspect," Josh mumbled, sitting next to Hector. Josh's voice tapped Hector out of his trans. "Funny, I'm mad at myself that I did not see your; ¿Cómo se dice? ?, How do you say, obsessed with him."

Hector laughed, "I used to hide it well; it gets harder every day,"  Hector confessed, sending Jamal a glance. A few of his boys surrounded him, and of course, Xander was there. Xander no longer put fear in him; he didn't care if they were close anymore; he understood where Jamal's head was at now.

"You never told me if he knows," Josh whispered, turning away from the rest of their gang. "You scared?"

"He knows," Hector curtly replied, standing up. He didn't plan on continuing this conversation with Josh. It wasn't his business; Hector didn't want to say anything that he knew Jamal would be uncomfortable with; he knew where the conversation was going, so the best thing to do was end it. Plus, they were by the other boys, and he had to make sure they didn't overhear. The other boys still had it out for Jamal's gang; they still hated each other. The occasional fights occurred between the two gangs, but of course the leaders were never part of it, per the warden's request, as well as the fact that Hector can't picture himself hitting Jamal again.

They had about an hour left in the yard. It almost felt like he was itching to get back in the cell with Jamal. It has become their haven. "Hold on, I'll be back," Hector announced to josh and the rest of the boys. He had to go to a specific place, but he wasn't trying to stay there for the questions josh had.

He glanced at Jamal again; this time, he caught Jamal's eyes trained on him, with a concerned glint in his eyes. Hector tilted his head towards the yard gate slightly. Jamal got the idea and quickly got up.

Hector walked up to the gate and waited to get one of the guard's attention. He had no problem with any of the guards, and they didn't have a problem with him. There was mutual respect between them; the same went for Jamal. The two of them were prisoners, but everybody knew not to offend them. Especially not after Jamal almost killed one of Hector's men for looking at him crazy. Or the fact that Hector's temper is nothing to play with.

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