~Chapter Nineteen~

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Hi!!! So SO SOOO Sorry about not posting sooner. I realized today that I have had this chapter done for like half a week and never posted it. Again I just barely noticed and am posting it now right after noticing. This chapter is an okay long chapter, not very long though. I also wanted to mention that this chapter I haven't edited yet so there could very possibly be grammar or spelling issues. (Again another awkward author's note.)

Thanks to everyone reading this story you are all awesome! Here is chapter nineteen:

"What do you think is going on at home?" Ambria asked, as she, Brielle, and Jossalynn were getting ready for the day.

"Hmm," Brielle started to say, "well what day is it again?"

"I don't know. Don't ask me!" Ambria said, defending herself as the doors of the cells slid to the side.

"Well if it was a school day we would be at school right now would be my guess. Anddddd, if it was a weekend all of us would probably be hanging out at my house," Brielle said, scooting her way outside the cell.

She must've seen Bryce because she yelled, "Bryce! Wait up!" and ran towards another direction. Ambria wandered out, Jossalynn right behind.

"What do you think you would be doing if you were at home right now?" Ambria asked Jossalynn, who hasn't said much.

"I don't have a home, I lived on the streets with Braylen."

That caused a couple seconds of silence between the two. They saw Greylan standing in an area, looking for any familiar faces. They walked over to the boy, who looked very different without his leather jacket on and wearing the ugly, scratchy tan jumpsuit that reminded Ambria a lot of ghostbuster costumes.

"Hi," Greylan said, he still looked uncomfortable with his new surroundings, he seemed to be taking in everything. He looked and made eye contact with everyone around him, and he reacted to the slightest of movements.


Ambria looked behind her shoulder, seeing if she could see Bryce anywhere. She saw a flash of brown and blonde hair near each other. At first she thought it was Brielle and Byce, then it was gone. Ambria blinked, the figures she thought were Brielle and Bryce weren't where she saw them last.

She turned back towards Greylan, her head expecting to see the brown haired boy standing next to her like he used to be. He was always there, never leaving her side. Looking back Ambria wished she had noticed the small things Bryce used to do for her, like always walking next to her everywhere they went and making sure she was right there with the group.

Ambria took a deep breath, reminding herself that Bryce wasn't here right now. Her lips quivered for a second before she got it back together and looked back towards Greylan. She forced a smile.

"Oh! I don't think I have introduced you to Jossalynn," Ambria said, realizing that Jossalynn wasn't there when they met Greylan. "Well, this is Jossalynn. Jossalynn, this is Greylan."

Greylan smiled, he looked weirdly nervous as he stuck his hand out for Jossalynn to shake. She gave a shy smile and grabbed his hand and shook it, her hand lingering in his for a brief extra second. It looked weirdly intense on Greylan's side of things, but Ambria was caught off guard with another flash of brown hair a lot like Bryce's but after a moment Ambria realized it was Jax's.

"Umm, Ambria, can I talk to you for a moment?" Jax asked, he gave her a smile but Ambria could already tell it was about their last fight.

"Yeah, sure." Ambria said, following Jax to about the same area that Hudson had confessed. It brought up so many memories but Ambria pushed them away, not wanting to think about how many things had happened since that.

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