~Chapter Six~

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"Ambria? Bryce?" Brielle said, crawling over to where their voices came from.

"Brielle?" Ambria asked, letting go of Bryce and wiping the tears out of the corners of her eyes.

"Turn around," Ambria ordered, whispering. The blonde girl turned around and Ambria, quicker this time, had cut through the rope and slid off the blindfold.

"Thanks," Brielle groaned, and tried to comb her hair with her fingers.

Ambria looked around, there were about fifteen people in the van including them, all unconscious. The van hit an unexpected large bump and they all jumped.

The van must've been parked because for fifteen minutes they hadn't moved. All of sudden, the door swung open and three men came in and placed another two unconscious teenagers on the floor. They were probably about nineteen and seventeen. They both had strawberry blonde hair and were most likely siblings. The girl had green eyes, while the boy had brown eyes.

The van started again and they started swaying again. The two teenagers groaned as we hit another large bump.

After thirty more minutes the van stopped again and more men came inside the van, this time not carrying anyone.

They started kicking people awake and shoving them out of the van. They pulled groups of five into a large warehouse. Ambria, Bryce, Brielle, and the two strawberry haired kids were the third group.

The men carried large guns, and poked their backs. They had put new blindfolds and tried their hands back behind their backs. They led them into a large warehouse that looked mainly dead.

Inside the warehouse there were thousands of jail cells lining against the side of the wall. Each cell had two sets of bunk beds, and a tiny table.

The men shoved Brielle, Ambria, and the girl with strawberry blonde hair into one room. Bryce and the other strawberry blonde kid into the room beside them.

There were a couple other older boys already in that room that Ambria couldn't see. Bryce walked into the room and gave me one last look of reassurance before he stepped into the cell.

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Ambria looked past all the cells, there were men at all exits. Each had a very large gun that Ambria hoped would never fire.

It seemed as though it was about eight o' clock. The strawberry blonde girl just sat on the top of the bunk quietly. Brielle had hopped onto another bottom bunk and swiped off all the dust.

"Sooo, what's your story?" Brielle asked the girl sitting on the top bunk.

"Brielle, she doesn't have to share her life story with you."

The girl huffed in agreement.

"Can you at least tell us your name?" Brielle asked.

"Harlee," the girl said quietly.

"Cool name. I'm Brielle and this is Ambria," Brielle said, apparently not realizing that they were just kidnapped.

"Nice," the girl replied, obviously not wanting to talk to them.

"Soo, who's the guy you came with?"

"Brielle!" Ambria warned.

"My younger brother."

"What's his name?"


Brielle just kept going question by question. Some Harlee chose to answer and some she just ignored. Eventually, Ambria climbed onto the top bunk above Brielle.

She just listened to Brielle bombarding Harlee with personal questions. Learning a couple things about her and listening to the questions she hasn't answered, Ambria guessed Harlee was a runaway and same with her brother.

She was either in foster care or her parents didn't treat her well. She had a scar across her eyebrow. She wore clothes that were filthy and covered in dirt.

Ambria eventually got exhausted and drifted off to sleep.

Remembering that they were now miles from home, with no way back.

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