~Chapter Seventeen~

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A/N: This is a fairly short chapter, but I at least posted. I have been super busy planning where this book will be going all day, and plus editing a lot of random stuff throughout the first couple chapters. Soooo... yeah. I am super bad with authors notes so just ignore me. But thanks to all my readers and followers!! 

Here is chapter 17!!: 

"Such a pity. She was a strong one," the guard said, as he walked away. Ambria sank to her knees, along with Julia's thump. All her friends ran towards the unconscious figure laying still.

Ambria eventually was freed of her shock and ran towards Julia. The entire group, including Bryce who, had seen the same thing along with them. They rolled the girl over, and checked for a pulse.

Thump.... Thump..... Thump....

Julias heart was still going, but very slowly.

"Ambria?" the hollow voice said, Ambria knelt at Julia's side.

"I'm here." Ambria said, a tear falling.

"I'm sorry. For Bryce, for being a terrible friend, for everything." Julia's voice was fading.

"I know. I forgave you a long time ago." Ambria said, not caring about anyone else around them.

"I-" Julia started, but everyone shushed her.

"It's gonna be okay." Sky and Harper said at the same time, kneeling right next to Ambria. Harper could barely see through the giant drops of water coming from her eyes.

"You can't promise that." Julia noted, through coughs.

We all sat in silence. All the girls in a group hug, leaning down bringing Julia in too. The boys sat on their knees stunned. All the people around them, already getting back to work like it was a normal day. It wasn't. The day was cold, freezing more like. The shadows were stronger, a powerful force, the monsters were stirring, coming to life.

They all sat in silence, clinging together, until Julia's breath faded away.

.- -- -... .-. .. .-

The rumors spread like crazy of Julia's death. Every person in the crowd had been talking about it all day. Her random speech, and her standing up for herself seemed to impact the crowd. More people mumbling, and murmuring against the soldiers will. They had a harder time focusing, and seemed to sit around a lot.

They seemed worried about shooting everyone due to the fact that then they will have nobody to work for them. Though Ambria noticed a lot of blood splotches on the floor, probably from soldiers shooting people's feet or hands. Not enough to kill, but enough to get people moving again and have a warning shot.

The group, despite Julia and Bryce, who seemed to be in a different area avoiding them as much as possible, were working together. They were all shaken up due to many shots getting fired and plus the death of their friend. They were at the station for jogging laps, they had so many random strange jobs that made no sense.

The bell rang marking the time as eight o' clock. Instead of people walking towards their cells, people stood and yelled. It was strange to see so many people standing up for their freedom.

"WE NEED OUR FREEDOM!" a what-it-seemed-like-to-be a fourteen year old boy yelled up towards a soldier. The soldier ignored and kept walking in the opposite direction.

"Let us go!" Another man said, this one a little older. He reached out to grab the gun the soldier carried around his soldier.

With a blink of an eye, everything turned into chaos. People screamed. There were firearms fired. Ambria's ears rang. There was chanting for freedom. Many people ran in different directions. The group just stood there. Confused on what was going on, they hurried back to their cells, before it got worse.

Ambria couldn't tell what she was feeling. She was scared, she didn't know what was going to happen to her. Ambria was also slightly excited and happy.

Before Julia died, she made a statement. She wanted for us to stand up for ourselves. Maybe not all of them would make it out alive, but they needed to try.

This may have not what Julia meant, but there was now an uprising, and soon there would be a full rebellion. 

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