Chapter 25

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Standing in front of the door that a giant could fit through izuku felt the knot on his windpipe tighten.
His future was waiting for him.
He had finally reached the goal.

Izuku looked up at who would be his new home room teacher, Shouta Aizawa, or rather, Eraserhead the erasure hero.
Izuku. Had never talked to him, but he had saved him, but he didnt want any special treatment.

"Are you ready, aspiring hero Midoriya?" Aizawa asked, not even looking down at the boy.
Aizawa wasn't one for showing huge amounts of gratitude, but little did izuku know that had Izuku not saved him he wouldn't have allowed the rules to be bent this easily.

" ready as ill ever be i suppose"

Aizawa nodded, understanding that he was nervous, but nervousness should never hold you back, so trusting the student's words he opened the door and immediately any noice that had been in the room was quenched as everyone turned to look at Izuku whom everyone knew would join him one day, well all looked except Katsuki who instead seemed to find the wall next to him very interesting.

"Well? Introduce yourself" Aizawa ordered once they stood in front of the entire class.

"Right! Hello everyone, my name is Izuku Midoriya and ill be transferring to this class as of today" izuku bowed to show his respect to his new classmates.

"Any questions?" Aizawa asked his students, a question he'd come to regret.

"What's your quirk?"

"Do you get special favors from support now?"

"You made Todoroki warm up, literally , how'd you do that?"

"Are there any pretty girls in support?!"

"Enough" Aizawa ordered. "Give him time to answer"

"U-uh" izuku was overwhelmed by the questions for just a moment before he took a deep breath and tried to focus.
"Um, my quirk is called super power, it allows my body to go beyond its limits so i become stronger. I have friends in support, so maybe, but i dont think its like they'll prioritize me, as for the last two questions..."

"Yeah you don't have to answer those" Aizawa sighed, and then pointed to an empty table. "Take a seat"

"Yes sir"

As Aizawa began to talk he found out that he had actually joined on quite the unfortunate day, because Aizawa along with Midnight who soon joined them had set the day off to choose hero names, which they dint expect izuku to be ready to decide.
"U-uhm actually, I already know what i want to be my hero name" he told the teachers, and as if Midnight took it as a sign that he wanted to go first in presenting she called him up and forced him to quickly write it down.

"Well go on then, we're all very curious" midnight smiled.
She seemed genuinely curious.

"R-right, uh...m-my hero name is...Deku"

Izuku took notice of the way Katsuki's head snapped to look at him, his red eyes wide with surprise.
He should be surprised, after all the nickname "deku" was one he gave to him to mak him feel worthless, to make him feel like his dream of becoming a hero was out of reach for someone like him.

"Deku? A strange choice...why Deku?" Midnight asked and other students chimed in.

"Yeah what does it mean?"

"I dont get it"

izuku swallowed and then looked Katsuki in the eyes for a fraction of a second.
"Deku was the nickname i was given when i was a Kid, its meant to mean "useless" or "defenseless", and for a long time that was what held me back, but it's also the reason i fought as had as i did, so become something in spite of it, so ill honor it as one of the reasons I'm where i am today. I'm no longer useless, or defenseless"

"Touching!" Midnight squealed. "And very inspiring! 10/10!"

"T-thank you" izuku nodded and then hurried to his table, to time trying to avoid Katsuki's eyes as he passed him.
This was what he was gonna do with all the hurt Katsuki had given him. He'd ball it up into something strong, something he could use to carve his own path.

As other students went up to present Izuku found himself submerged in the creativity of all his new classmates and the explanations as for why they chose that specific name, but then there was Todoroki and iida who just chose to make their hero name their first name, but still not bad, it made them approachable if nothing else, but then it was Katsuki's turn to present.

"Lord explosion murder!"

Izuku just couldn't help but sigh. Not a sad or annoyed one, but simple become he didnt expect anything else, but that one sigh made Katsuki turn his attention to Izuku.


"What?' Izuku jumped, startled by the sudden confrontation.

"Dont think that just because you chose to name yourself something as stupid as Deku ill be as stupid! It's gonna be over my dead body that i name myself something as ridiculous as Katcchan! You hear me!?"

"Katcchan? Ohhh, sounds very cute, you should pick that" midnight said, completely serious.


Izuku wondered why he even brought that up.
Sure izuku had picked Deku because it represented his journey, but he had no idea why Katsuki would think that Izuku expected him to pick his nickname.
"I-..Id never expect you to pick that Katcc- ah, i mean, Katsuki..." Izuku tried to call him by his first name.

"What'd you call me!?"

"Ha! Admit it Bakugou you like that he still calls you by your childhood nickname" Kaminari said smugly as he put his feet on top of his desk.

"What did you say!!??"

"Okay that's enough Bakugou, sit down" Aizawa had to restrain Katsuki so that he didnt kill Kaminari for his smug comment.

Izuku looked around amused by his new class, and it was then that he saw all might outside, barely visible in the door frame giving him a thumbs up.

Izuku sent a small hidden thumbs up back.

This was gonna be a great couple of years, he just new it, and now that his life was on track... it would hopefully be a great life.



Since this is origin story divergent this is where it ends because from here on it follows the original story line.

Thank you so much for all that made it this far! Hopefully I'll see you in my next book!

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