Chapter 1

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"Great job out there, warriors! We fought and claimed another victory for Taeda. Our king will be so joyous of our victory." General Takahashi praised. The men cheered loudly. "Yet we could not accomplish this feat without the help of Makaira Sato, the most fearless and honorable onna-bugeisha that has walked these lands in hundreds of years." Takahashi said, "Makaira Sato, please step forth." Makaira walked in front of her fellow warriors.

"It was an honor to fight with you all. All of you have shown bravery, kindness, intelligence, and fearless men. I could not ask for better companions to battle with." She smiled. Makaira raised her fist. "For Taeda!" She shouted. The men roared and cheered. Everyone scattered.

Some went back to their tents for the night, others hung out by the campfire. Makaira decided to sit near the river. She looked down into the water where her eyes did not meet her own. Instead, her brown eyes met golden ones. "Come on out, Sakura. Nobody is here but me."

A fox spirit, also known as a kitsune, slowly rose out of the river. Unlike humans, she was completely dry. Sakura sat down beside her.

"You were amazing today." Sakura complimented. "I could not have achieved this victory without you, my friend." Makaira smiled at her as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "Yet you are the one who fought tirelessly until this moment." Makaira and Sakura shared a genuine grin. "Sanada will be very happy to hear about your victory." Sakura said. "Our victory." Makaira corrected.

"Right, our victory." Makaira yawned. "You should get some sleep. You and our comrades will set out early in the morning." Makaira nodded at her. She stood up and stretched. "Are you not going to get some sleep?" She asked the fox. "I am but I wish to stay out longer." "As you wish. Just stay out of sight." "Understood." Makaira walked back to her tent. She laid down on her tatami mat and closed her eyes. 


Makaira looked around as her horse followed the others. The grass swayed as the wind blew. "Something on your mind?" Hanzo, a close family friend and companion to Makaira, asked. He rode beside her. "I was just wondering if there is going to be anything to do when we reach Taeda." Makaira replied. "I wonder that as well at times but we will never know until we reach Taeda." "I guess you are correct." For the rest of the journey, Makaira stayed silent.

The Taeda warriors finally arrived back into the loving embrace of Taeda. Women and children ran to greet their husbands and fathers. Makaira got off of her horse. "I got him." "Thank you Hanzo." Hanzo gave her a nod. Makaira entered her shared gasshō-zukuri with her cousin. "Welcome home my dear sweet younger cousin." Sanada bowed. "Do you have to keep reminding me that you are older than I am?" She chuckled a little, bowing as well.

"Only if it means that I am allowed to put that smile on your face." He smiled. Sanada and Makaira hugged one another. "Come, I have prepared a feast for us to enjoy." Sanada led Makaira to the dining area.

The cousins sat down at the chabudai. "Smells good." She complimented him. "It took a lot of time and sweat but I got it made." Sanada smiled. Makaira took a bite. "Just like grandmother would cook it." Makaira and Sanada enjoyed their meal. "Tell me, has anyone caught your attention?" Sanada asked. "No. I already told you I am not searching for love." "I understand but you are so young and beautiful that it is hard to believe nobody has tamed your heart."

"Well believe it." "You will find him one day." "Yes, one day but not today or tomorrow." Sanada's eyes moved elsewhere. "I am gonna go visit grandmother's grave. Wish to join me?" Makaira questioned. "No, I have already visited her today." "Understood." Makaira left.

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