Chapter 10

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I knew something was wrong with me when Olympic left. For days I'd felt tired and short tempered, which resulted in my argument with her. I regretted that intensely.

Then Majestic came into port on the end of her maiden voyage. I'd snuck out of the yard to get a look at her, and possibly any info on Olympic's condition. Did she have the virus as well? Why hadn't she come back into New York?

I feared two answers, one that Olympic did have the virus. Two, that she was still mad at me and was avoiding me.

How I longed for her those days in the shipyard. The other navy ships had dubbed it the deathyard for several sick ships had gone in, never to come back. Florida was the first to go. I was docked right next to her, so I remember what happened well.

Florida had entered the yard a full week before me. Now as I entered, she appeared to be losing the fight with Influenza. She looked up when she saw me. "USS Arizona, don't. You might catch it." She rasped. "Too late for that." I replied, docking beside her. She sighed. "Unfortunate. At least you're young and have a lot of strength left, I don't." She said. "Florida, don't say that. You have plenty." I replied.

She shook her head. "I've got 25 years on you Arizona." She growled. In ship terms, 1 year is equal to 5 years of life as a ship's average lifespan is 20 years and 20X5= 100, the average lifespan of a human.

"You may be older than me, but not by much. In fact, you're the same age as Olympic. She was launched in 1910 as well." I said. Florida coughed. "You have to accept that there are some things that you cannot fix." She rasped. "I won't let you give up." I whispered. Florida just sighed. Closing her eyes, she fell asleep.

The days passed, and Florida only got worse. She couldn't sleep because she was coughing so much. "Florida you have to rest." I ordered. "I've been trying to." She snapped, spluttering. I had to do something about that cough. Looking around, I saw Adriatic docked at the White Star pier. "Adriatic!" I called. She looked at me, surprised. I motioned with my head that she should come over here.

"Do you think you can do something about Florida's cough?" I asked her. She nodded. "Sure, but I'll need some tansy." She replied. "There's a huge store of herbs in that slip over there." I said. She dipped her head and headed over to where I had shown her. "I didn't want to get her the wrong thing." I said as she returned.

"Well, for future reference, these dark green plants with the yellow flowers are tansy." She explained. "Thanks, Adriatic." I said. She smiled. "You're welcome." She replied.

She sorted out the herbs into two piles. "Here you are Florida. Try these, they'll help." She said. She turned to me. "You too, Arizona." She added. I shook my head. "I don't need any of those." I said. She narrowed her eyes. "You will eat those plants, Arizona." She growled.

Sighing, I did as I was asked. I shuddered. "Ugh, nasty." I muttered, swallowing. She smiled. "I remember when I had to give those to Titanic once." She said. "She would argue with me for an hour or more each time. And when she finally did eat them, she'd start complaining all over again." I laughed.

"She sounded like quite the character." I said. "Oh, she was all right." Adriatic said. "Her only fault was to love too much." I nodded sadly. "Yes, Olympic told me about that." I said. "A dirty trick, I don't know how she lives with that." She said. I shook my head in disbelief. "I don't know either, it's incredible." I murmured.

"How's she doing?" I asked. "She's doing alright. Dreadnought made her leader of the Royal Navy so she's got a lot on her decks at the moment." Adriatic replied.

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