Chapter 1: Meeting the Gang

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"H-hey!" I yelled at Ba as he started pulling me outside. "What the?! What about my parents?!" I growled, knowing full well if they saw me with this cute little bastard, they might mistake it for a date. I'm dead. They'll think I'm breaking out of the house when I'm really going to a stupid school.

"They already know." He grinned at me, "I'm surprised they're Harry Potter fans. They compared what happened to Harry Potter's adventure."


"They also got the letter for you from our delivery Noctowl, so it's fine now!"

This is just weird as fuck. I thought to myself as I watched Ba pull out a Pokeball. "wait! You have a Pokeball?"

"Yea. I'll explain on the way. But all I'm going to say is: you're going to meet your friends." He smiled at me, his brown eyes sparkling with joy as he explained, maybe too sparkly for me. I almost couldn't believe it, because it was too good to be true. I blinked a couple of times as I stared at Xiahou Ba, who already sent out a Meowstic. "Alright, use Teleport." He ordered, grinning excitedly.

And now it got into my head. This isn't a dream. The reality is too amazing for me to accept as real, but it hit me really hard in the face, so I know i have to believe it. I felt a small smile tug up me lips as I felt purple light engulf both me and Ba, taking us into another dimension.

I'll see them soon. . .



"Argh! What's taking her so looooooooooooooooooooong?!" For the tenth time, everyone winced when Shinju whined, purposely trying to make her voice sound annoying, and poked Aurora.

"Yea. All of us are here except for herrrrrrrr." Emily whined, and it's clear that she's high on sugar again, bouncing up and down while her embarrassed OC, Emma, hid in public to avoid being seen with her.

"Where is sssshhhheeeeeeeee?" Nikki also joined in for fun, whining with a shrilly voice.

"ARGH! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The one with the highest voice award goes to. . . .


"As if your voice isn't annoying." Aurora rolled her eyes at Justin.

"Great. We're stuck with him." Kei sighed, shaking her head.

"Arceus, kill me now!" kohaku whined out of annoyance.

Eli shrugged, then turned her head to the door of their classroom. "Xiahou Ba promised they'll arrive her at 10 AM, but it's already thirty minutes late! What could've happened?"

"What happened is that I woke up with too much shit to process in my head." A flash of purple suddenly glowed, causing them to avert their eyes, and on the place of the light stood both me and Xiahou Ba. I playfully sighed and waved at them. "Hi!"

"OMA YOU'RE HERE!" A lot of shrieks filled my ears, as if they're all stabbing my eardrums, as they charged at me like Tauros and swarmed around me to hug me (but Shinju just touched my hair and laughed maniacally). I was laughing as I hugged them tightly, but pushed away Justin because I don't like him that much to hug him.

The others let go of me, while SMG, Nikki, Kei and Aurora still won't let me go. I squeaked when I felt myself get squished.


"YAY! SHE SAID OW!" I turned around, and saw my OCs; Sora, Takeo, Rafe, Shizuka, Soren, Hajime, Rin, Tsukiko, Hitoshi, Aya and Yuki, Hayate and Hikari, all waiting for me. I gave them an evil smile, and dodged a blade from Rin thrown at me playfully.

"Heh. Weirdest union ever." i sighed, shoving my hands in my pockets before realizing I'm still in my pajamas! "Oh shiz! GAH!" i kicked Ba out of the way, grabbing my bag from him as I ran. "Where the fuck is the bathroom?! I need to change!" I yelled as I fled from the room, leaving the rest laughing.


That's all I could write, because I'm still accepting characters THAT ARE MY CLOSE FRIENDS! Some random strangers appeared, and one even told me they want to join to get known but they don't even know me. Seriously?!

Anyways, since this is just written for fun and for my readers, I don't put much effort in the grammar, but I do in the plot and characters, so. . . yea.

Anyways, watch out guys! :D I can actually be a real bitch in life, so this is what I'm going to use tfor the story's conflict. You shall seeeeeeeeeee! *disappears magically*

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