Chapter 4-Jae

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Sage gave the room a once over as we were led inside. The room was lined with more ‘brothers’ wearing next to nothing. They seemed to be from every nationality imaginable, but they had a few things in common. Every single one of them was in peak physical condition and was showing it off. Oh, and they all seemed fascinated by the women.

In the center of the room was an elderly man situated in an over large throne of worn wood and purple velvet lining. The man was dark-skinned, white-haired and about a hundred or so. He was wearing a long purple robe that blended in with the throne he was sitting on. He looked us over as we walked in and smiled.

“Hello travelers,” the old man greeted. “It has been many years since we have seen one not native to this land. You must forgive the brothers if they are too enthusiastic about you all.”

“There are four women here, father,” the brother that had been flirting with Sage said in awe.

“Brothers, please leave me alone with the travelers. They have things to discuss with me,” the elder ordered. The brothers sighed deeply and walked over to us to say goodbye. They each gave the girls a kiss on the cheek. The one that had been with us the whole time went to Sage last and kissed both her cheeks.

“I hope you decide to stay with us, Sage,” he whispered, a wolfish grin on his face. I watched her blush as he kissed her nose. He shut the door behind him, leaving us alone with the elder.

“For men who’ve never seen a woman, they sure know how to treat a girl,” Heather observed.

“I’ll say,” Sage agreed in a breathy chuckle. “It’s like feed on some raw form of animal magnetism.”

“I’ve never seen you so gaga over a guy, Gyps,” Peter chuckled.

“I tell you, there’s some sort of magic involved. I never think like that around normal guys,” Sage defended sheepishly. “You girls felt it too, right?”

“Ooh, yeah,” Serenity moaned. “My husband should never know about this, either.”

“Should we talk to the elder?” I asked.

“Yes, sorry, sir, for forgetting,” Sage apologized. The elder had stood up from the throne and had wandered to a large glass bookcase. He was pulling out a large and much worn tome. He walked slowly back to his throne and sat down.

“Welcome, travelers,” the elder greeted again. “You are not wrong to assume that some magic is at work in this place. I am known as ‘father’ here, but we are also known as ‘shepherds’.”

“Why?” Landon asked.

“We guide you to your next destination,” the elder simply replied.

“Speaking of,” Sage interrupted. “Which way are we supposed to go?”

“That is the problem,” the elder chuckled. “I cannot remember. I was not father when the last group of travelers came through.”

“Then please say that the directions are in that book,” Peter grumbled.

“Yes, yes, they are, but that is not the only thing in here,” the old man replied. “We shepherds are also given the task of telling you the rules that you must follow throughout the remainder of your quest. Please, sit.”

“On da floor?” Argus asked.

“Only if you cannot conjure a chair,” the elder replied. Peter dutifully conjured a semi-circle of wooden chairs. Sage sat in the center, directly in front of the throne. Peter sat to her right, Heather to her left. I sat beside Peter, and next to me sat Austin, then Serenity, then Michal, which left Jason at the end. Argus was on the other side of Heather with Landon, Carson, and Emily respectively.

Quest (OLD: the new version MIGHT be posted shortly)Where stories live. Discover now