chapter twelve.

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I WAKE WITH A START, and for a brief moment I wonder if maybe everything from last night had all been some elaborate dream sparked from my fear simulations. But as I lift my head and look down the aisle of bunks to Peter's bed, I see that a blue bruise has appeared on his cheekbone from where he must have hit himself on the railing only hours ago.

I spent nearly an hour sitting there, overlooking the chasm, before Peter woke up enough for me to guide him back to the dorm, with both of us stumbling all the way. He fell back asleep as soon as I pulled the sheets over his limp body, but that's the last thing I remember before waking up now.

It seems like a miracle that I even managed to get back to sleep after everything that happened, but I suppose exhaustion must have taken me in the end. I'm grateful for that, because now that I'm awake, images of the night prior start flashing before my eyes like a movie reel — Tris' tiny body thudding against the guard rail, Drew taunting her, Al.

I shake my head quickly, attempting to expel the thoughts from my mind, while pulling back my sheets and looking to Tris' cot next. But as I come face to face with the same casually strewn blankets from last night, it seems like she never returned.

I come to realize quite quickly that Drew isn't here either — though with how brutally he had been beaten by Four, I imagine he's ended up in the infirmary.

The thought is enough to bring a brief sense of joy to my mind.

Almost all of the other transfers are either still lounging in their cots or have begun preparing themselves for the day, completely unaware of the events that had occurred while they all slept soundly. It almost makes me envy them... but a part of me also doesn't want to forget about what happened. Because something changed last night, with Peter, and I don't quite know what that means yet, but I can only hope it's the beginning of something good.

I take my time getting ready for the day, coming to the conclusion that lingering under a hot shower for a few moments too long, and spending an extra minute or two braiding my hair, is something I can afford to do — they're healthy distractions, after all, and that's certainly what I need right now.

About fifteen minutes pass me by before I finally walk through the Pit and into the dining hall, searching for any sign of Tris to make sure she's alright. After my initial scan, I deduce that she hasn't shown up yet, so I go over to Uriah, Marlene, and Lynn instead.

Christina and Will sit at the next table over, but I don't bother looking their way. Despite everything that happened last night, I haven't forgotten what they said to me.

the reckless and the brave, peter hayesWhere stories live. Discover now