Chapter 16

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Remus managed to get Sirius out of the house more and more over the next week. He went back to school and actively avoided anyone who would upset him. And actively avoid really meant Remus dragged him away from getting into a fight. Eventually, enough months went by that Sirius stopped waiting on Regulus' calls. Months also meant that Lily was due soon.

He had things to look forward to again.

But he still had bad nights. Nights that were filled with not enough sleep and too many dreams. When those nights came he would sit at his window and smoke until he was calm enough to get some restless sleep at most. Sometimes Remus would call him at the perfect time as if he knew that Sirius was awake. And then Sirius would tell him he was fine but Remus always knew better and would stay on the phone until Sirius went back to sleep.

Sirius had assumed that once they slept together Remus would lose interest in him or would just want nothing else. Not because of Remus but because that's what it's been like every other time. So when Sirius woke up and Remus was still there he totally did not break down in Remus' arms. And every morning after that Remus was still there either in person, with a text, or with a phone call.

And that was their life for another few months. Lily constantly going to the doctor it felt like as her due date approached and endless amounts of nights spent together. Thesis papers were being written as they talked and art was being made as well because Sirius refused to do his paper at a reasonable time.

Then summer came around and papers were being rushed to their final draft and then turned in. Final pieces were submitted for a contest that a professor made mandatory to participate in. As well as academics finishing up, on July 31st Harry Evans-Potter was brought into the world. After many hours of labor Lily was finally able to hold the boy in her arms. There were all there for her in the room. James decided that he would never have sex without protection afterward which made Lily laugh.

When they finally made it to Lily's apartment with the baby they all insisted that Lily go to sleep. Once she was asleep and they quietly shut the door, Sirius and James got into a very quiet heated argument about who was going to hold Harry. Remus rolled his eyes before placing the swaddled Harry into his crib. Once he did that Remus came over and smacked the backs of their heads and shushed them. Sirius settled for sitting next to Harry's crib and just observing the small boy whose barely-there hair resembled James' already. Then he pulled out his phone and got all the way to Regulus' contact before hovering over the call button.

There was a hand on his shoulder, Sirius looked to see Remus standing behind him.

"You should call him you know? It's been too long since you've guys talked. Harry being born is the perfect excuse if he ever asks," Remus tried to joke at the end but Sirius only smiled at it. "Honestly, Sirius. You should."

"I know that," Sirius answered, "I just think that if he wanted to talk he would've reached out by now."

Remus sat next to him, "Maybe he's scared to reach out."

"Why would he be scared?" Sirius asked doubtfully.

"You're his big brother, Sirius. He's always been scared to disappoint you."

Sirius stayed quiet.

Remus leaned over and kissed the side of his head then whispered against his hair, "Just think about it okay?"

The long-haired man nodded and Remus got up to go make sure James wasn't causing problems.

After a few more minutes of consideration, Sirius clicked the call button and put the phone against his ear. The ringing made his heart jump into his throat. It went on for what felt like more than a minute so Sirius gave up hope that his brother would answer. Then on the final rang it cut off and there was a sound of steady breathing. Neither of them spoke.

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