Chapter 13

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Regulus was avoiding almost everybody, including Sirius. On many occasions, Sirius sat at Regulus's door and knocked on it until he shouted for him to leave. He made sure that Walburga was gone every time he did, he wouldn't out his brother like that.

The first time Sirius did it he didn't leave, instead, he sat outside the door for hours. Both Black Brothers are stubborn, however, and neither said anything while waiting for the other to do something. Regulus caved first and swung the door open making Sirius fall back onto the floor.

"What do you want?!" Regulus said harshly.

"I want you to stop avoiding everybody and work through your problems like a mature person instead of pouting in your room."

Regulus scoffed and walked into his room leaving the door open for Sirius to come in.

"Regulus, please just talk to me about this."

"No, you knew about it and didn't tell me."

"It wasn't my place to tell you about it Reg!" Sirius shouted and Regulus flinched away from his brother. Sirius quickly took a calming breath and lowered his voice. "I agree that James should've told you about the one-time thing with Lily but he wasn't lying when he said he didn't know. The only ones who knew were Remus and I."

"Why didn't Lily tell me?"

Sirius sighed and sat down next to Regulus on his bed. "Because she was afraid of this happening. You getting upset and ignoring James. Lily has watched us grow up and she's seen what our parents have done to us. She just wanted you to be happy for once. I'm not saying it was the right thing to do but it was from the right place."

"I'm not mad at Lily. I understand her situation. It all kind of makes sense why she didn't ever hang out with us as a group anymore," Regulus chuckled a little but at the end of his statement but it was forced and the pain was still visible behind his smile. Sirius could see in Regulus's eyes how hurt he was.

"And James?" Sirius asked him.

Regulus scoffed and got up to start pacing around his room. He didn't answer Sirius, not right away. "I don't even know where to start, Sirius."

"You still like him don't you?"

Regulus paused and looked at his brother as if it was an obvious answer. "Like him? Sirius, I really thought that I lov...think that I love him. And I thought he felt the same way."

"How do you know he doesn't? Just because he learned about Lily doesn't mean he's suddenly in love with her," Sirius tried to reason with his brother. When Regulus didn't answer Sirius, he knew that Regulus didn't want to admit he was right. "Just talk to him and if he all of a sudden has feelings for Lily then I'll drop it. But something tells me he wouldn't call you thirty-five times a day if he didn't care for you anymore."

With that Sirius stood and got out of Regulus's room, walking to his own and giving his younger brother privacy.

Regulus waited until Sirius was downstairs to pick up his phone. He looked at the notifications on his phone. James had stopped texting him every single day after the first two days of ignoring them but that didn't stop him from calling every day.

The most recent text from James was him saying goodnight to Regulus. Despite knowing Regulus wouldn't answer James still said goodnight and good morning to him. Regulus held onto those texts when his thoughts spiraled out of control and he couldn't help but think that James hated him or was only using him to get over Lily.

Regulus unlocked his phone and opened the phone app. He moved his fingers across the screen slowly, hesitantly. His thumb hovered over James's name for a few minutes before he finally pressed the contact name. Regulus put his phone against his ear and a part of him hoped that James wouldn't pick up the phone, that his voicemail would go off. But a bigger part of him knew that wouldn't happen, James always picked up. Even in the middle of the night while Regulus was having a panic attack or in the middle of the day when he had a question about a book he was reading.

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