The new janitor¹

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Levi woke up with a groan.

"Good morning Levi!" Hange, his best friend and roommate woke him up

"What time is it." Levi sighed

"Work starts in an hour, we better hurry up!"

It was September 1st.
Today was the first day of Levi's job as a Janitor at Kyojin High School. It wasn't ideal, but it was the only real qualification he had.

In this world, ODM gear didn't exist. His hand-to-hand combat skills were, while impressive, not enough to land him a serious fighting career considering his small physique.

Not to mention, while he remembered all the techniques, this new body of his wasn't trained like before.

Levi begrudgingly had to adapt to the average pain and alcohol tolerance.

Well, Hange had been a teacher there for many years, teaching the students about science and whatnot.
Thanks to Hange, Levi was able to get a job there on short notice.

"Today is also Mikasa's first day!" His cheerful roommate Hange smiled

Mikasa was Levi's cousin.

Mikasa would come over to kick Levi's ass in various video games while Hange ranted about anything and everything.

Mikasa would listen silently, only nodding to let them know she's listening. She waited patiently for Hange to finish speaking.

"You better not treat her better than the rest of the students. Her being a cadet and my cousin has nothing to do with this."

"It's not like I'll need to anyway, Mikasa is exceptional."
Levi rolled his eyes at the remark

"You really ought to give people more credit, Levi." Hange said, adjusting their glasses

Levi got his memories at a very young age.
At five, his mother dying from cancer triggered something in him. He first got a slight feeling of Deja Vu. Something about his mother's pale, lifeless body felt way too fammiliar.
All of his memories came back.

As he had heard from Mikasa personally, her memories just came back when she saw the ocean for the first time on a trip to Greece

"Ah, I remember how we were reunited." Hange grinned

"Well I was walking around my college campus, when someone yelled my name and jumped on me from behind. You knocked me into some woman, dumbass."

"Well, I was excited!"

"You didn't even go to my college! You were just passing by campus!" Levi said, polishing his black shoes

Hange just rolled their eyes dramatically

"Hey, I wonder if we'll meet anyone from the corps this year..." Hange trailed off

"I'm telling you in advance not to bring your hopes up or again shitty glasses."

"I never even got to thank him." Hange frowned, looking at the floor

"You do this shit Every year, Hange. You get all hopeful and then you get deppresed. Maybe you should just-"

"Im not giving up on him. I'll find Moblit." Hange said firmly

Levi inquired no further into the matter

At the school, Levi put on the supplied janitor uniform in the breakroom and got his cleaning equipment.

He was scrubbing the hallway floor when he heard some kids talking in the hallway.

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