chapter five

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Most days when I get into my car, all I can think about is leaving. I think about just packing a bag, grabbing all the cash I can find, throw my phone out the window and just drive until I run out of gas.

And wherever I'm stranded, that's where I would start my new life.

I could work odd jobs to support myself and take a couple classes at a local community college. It would be difficult, but I think I could do it because that would be better than my shitty life right now.

But that's all that it could be.

A fantasy.

Because I'm stuck working at my shitty costumer job  because I have to pay rent to my mother even though I am still in high school and my older brother who dropped out of college and still lives at home doesn't pay for a single thing.

That motherfucker has his own bedroom and doesn't pay rent while I sleep in the fucking living room and pay. But my mother doesn't say anything because her biggest fear is her children never talking to her again.

She is scared that my brother will walk out on her just like my father did.

"What can I get you, Ma'am?" I noticed that it's already taking every ounce of my patience I can muster just to sound marginally pleasant.

Not a good thing considering it's two hours into my six hour shift. God, I could really use a smoke break right now.

Twelve dollars an hour is not nearly enough, I think for the thousandth time. As the customer I am serving asks the difference between a latte and a mocha and I have to explain all over again.

"I'll just have a coffee." The older lady was still unsure of her decision.

No 'please,' I noticed. Not that I expected one. I know how people are in customer service, but being polite never hurt anyone.

"And a little creamer on the side." The woman screamed after I walked away.

I don't bother to point out that there is creamer at the end of the table. I just turned around and went behind the counter to grab the coffee pot filled with the house special coffee and a ceramic white mug.

The smell is nauseating and makes her hate coffee already.

I set the cup down in front of the lady, filling it up and leaving a little bit of room for the cream before offering a polite smile asking if the lady needs anything else.

When she says no, I return behind the counter to sip my own peppermint drink and I think of Harry.

We haven't spoken since I gave him a ride home last week. He hasn't tried to talk to me again ever since I ripped up his note, which is a good thing. I'm hoping that the message was clear enough between the two of us.

Four hours could not have come soon enough. We weren't busy today which I guess was a good thing because I got some homework done at least. Now, all I want to do is go home, shower, and take a long nap.

When I arrived home, I noticed Bridget's car. That was weird, she's not supposed to be home. She usually sleeps at her fiancé's house who I've only met five times.

When I unlock the front door, I saw Bridget seated at the kitchen island. Next to her was my Aunt Savannah and Uncle Henry. So that's why she's home.

Savannah and Henry have been together for nearly two decades and although they are not legally married, the two do have two children together. A boy and a girl.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but when they bring their toddlers around, I don't love it as much. And it especially sucks because I sleep in the living room and they make a mess of things. It's not like I can say anything after all, they're just children.

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