Chapter Eighteen

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Otel Hezen was unrecognizable. Whoever had organized the gala had sunk hundreds of thousands of dollars into organizing and decorating the grounds. Orbs of light were suspended throughout the gardens. Illuminated kiosks were prevalent throughout and music from the live band perfumed the air around them. 

Heads turned as she made her way down the granite steps to the festivities below. Her eyes scanned the crowd looking for him. The most powerful and influential men and women of Istanbul had attended this gala to raise a million dollars for the orphans of Turkey. A rumor was abound that a wealthy patron had already donated that amount. The flashing of light bulbs from the press nearly blinded her as they took photo after photo of celebrities and socialites. As she snaked her way through the crowd, her figure hugging emerald gown barely swept the floor beneath her.  Gokrem truly was a tailor extraordinaire

"Excuse me, I will take one" she plucked a champagne flute off of a waiters tray. As she raised it to her lips she saw him. He was talking to two older gentleman and Ugur who was leading a rather animated conversation.  Her heart skipped several beats as her eyes traced the curvature of his muscles that were visible under the fabric.  He wore a dark suit that accented his broad shoulders and his frame towered over the group of men that he was in conversation with. Her breathing stopped when he flashed a smile and a small laugh escaped his lips.  

As if sensing that he was being watched, he turned to look in her direction their eyes meeting and the world around them blurred. They stared at each other from across the sea of people as if they were two solitary buoys out in the ocean. The evening breeze caressed her long tresses blowing them gently around her shoulders, she was a goddess among mortals. 

The man with wiry gray hair and half moon spectacles turned to Alp as he waited for a response to his question but the awe struck Alp just patted Ugurs shoulder. Leaving the men to gape after him as he began to make his way through the crowd his eyes never leaving her as if in a trance. Gamze was among a group of young women who were all staring with their mouths ajar at Alp.  Who is that? they whispered amongst themselves while Gamze fumed from beneath the mounds of black taffeta silk crushing the flower she held in her hand.  He ran into a poor waiter who made the mistake of crossing in front him nearly causing the unfortunate man to go crashing to the floor. Alp gave him a quick apology and helped him without taking his eyes off of her. 

He walked up the granite steps to where she stood. She could feel his warm breath on her lips as she stood breathless under the gaze of the adonis before her. He reached up and gently pressed a kiss to the palm of her hand causing goosebumps to travel down her body. 

"you look-" but the words failed him when she smiled at him, a faint pink creeping across the bridge of his nose at the beautiful woman in front of him. 

She twirled her hair revealing the gold snake cuff earring "Is the great Alp Erdogan at a loss for words?" she teased. 

He chuckled and stroked his cheek sheepishly before stepping close to whisper in her ear "Sancak, you've had me at a loss for words from the first moment I laid eyes on you" his hot breath tickled her ear, causing her heart to speed up rapidly within her. 

"People are watching" she whispered. 

He cupped her face in his hands "Let them" he said a smile gracing his lips as he inched his face closer until their lips were almost touching. 

"Alp Erdogan-the most famous face of Turkey would you do the honor of opening the dance floor?" said a loud voice on the microphone "Alp bey? Where are you?" 

Alp let out an exasperated groan as their foreheads came to rest against one another. 

"Will you dance with me?" he asked her as he outstretched his arm. She gave him a small nod as she silently took his arm and they made their way to the center of the dance floor. The crowd gasped and frenzied whispers like cicadas in the night peppered the otherwise silent gala. From somewhere far in the crowd Gamze huffed stomping her foot, she said something to Ugur before storming off. 

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