-Pt.3- -That girl-

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Ginny was falling from outer space. Suddenly, Ginny woke up obviously still in her bed. It was just a dream. She got up and put on her stripy, red and white slippers and trudged out into the common and then down to the great hall. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Luna Lovegood. She had been talking to Luna for a while and they were becoming close friends even though she only started talking to her a several weeks ago. Little do the two know they both have feelings for each other.

Later that day it was potions, Dumbledore had re-hired Horace Slughorn as potions professor DADA was taught by Severus Snape instead. They were making A love potion."This is the love potion." ,said Slughorn. "Whatever the person loves most will become the scent of the potion, go on then form a line and we will each take turns smelling the love potion." So they all formed a line Ginny being 2nd. The first boy was a ravenclaw. "I-I  s-s-smell strawberries, a-and t-t-timber." The boy stuttered. Next up was Ginny. She walked over to the midnight black cauldron and hovered her nose over it. She took a deep breath in . "I smell the leather of a quaffle and something I can't quite get." That was a complete and utter lie. She knew exactly what she smelt. Luna Lovegood. Luna wore the same perfume everyday. Why did she not say Luna's perfume you ask? Well, Luna was in potions class to.

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