Bootcamp Journal Entries by Week (10-13)

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I have been doing a lot better with everything lately. Maybe school is actually helping. I keep myself busy to try to take my mind off of it but that doesn't really work. I just pretend that it does. I don't know what I will do over the summer. Probably work myself to death.


Every single day, I keep hoping and praying that Sheila will get a letter. She needs one so bad. She gave me all of the flight and hotel information in case I end up going to San Diego with them. It makes everything feel so much more real. I refuse to even think about going unless Nick says that it is okay. I just don't know what to do.

Times I cried this week: 1



I got another letter today! That makes five whole letters! I feel special but also feel so bad for Sheila. I know that she wants one so bad. I am afraid to tell her but he put important information in it that I think she needs to know. I am falling so hard for Nick. It's extremely difficult to admit that. I won't be sleeping at all the night that he gets back. I will be way too excited for that. I'm gonna go read that letter again. (:


Nick is a United States Marine! I am so excited for him. My heart is so happy. Everything just seems to be falling into place but I keep expecting it to all fall apart. That's what always happens in May. I won't let my guard down until June. I'm scared that whatever the bad thing is, it will involve Nick I hope that's not the case. I need to pray about this. May has never been a good month for me and I haven't been able to figure out why.

Times I cried this week: 3



Nick called his mom today! He really made it! I knew he would. I didn't know they were allowed to call after the first time they did. I don't even care! I am just so stinking happy right now. I can't wait until he gets home. I've been falling for him so hard and he's not even here.



It's the week I've been waiting for! I have waited three whole months for this. It doesn't seem real yet. I don't think it will feel real until Sheila texts me saying that she is in San Diego. I still have no idea what to expect when he gets back so I decided to have no expectations at all. It's just a lot easier that way. I am pretty sure this week is supposed to be an easy week for them. I could be wrong though. I just know that I miss him so much.


OH MY GOSH!!! We literally just talked! We FaceTimed! I was trying so hard not to cry. I could NOT stop smiling! I am writing this like an hour after it happened and I'm still shaking. Still flippin out. I will probably have to take Benadryl tonight so I can sleep. I'm way too excited!

Times I cried this week: 2

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