chapter 2

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(A/N: Third persons Pov at the Mikaelson's mansion in New Orleans)

 " Hope, can I see the vision to make sure?" Freya Mikaelson asked her niece.  Hope nods and give Freya her hand. 

As Freya see the vision Hope had and looks a little bit deeper to see if it's true.  Freya soon let go from her nieces hand and looked at the rest of the family.  

" Hope's right, the Harvest witches that took Hayley for some reason spared the youngest's life and left her in a baskets on the side of the road."  Freya told the family. 

silence fell over the family, all filled with joy that the  youngest member of the family is found. Yet some have anger rise in them by the way those witches  treated a newborn baby.

"where is she and what is her name?"  Klaus Mikaelson asked his older sister. In truth he's  scared if she doesn't want to know him, maybe even hared about his past.   One thing Klaus knows is that he'll not stop trying to get to know his youngest daughter, yes his terrified to know  her impression of him. However that won't stop until he sees her. 

 " Her name is Rosa-Bella May and we have to go through her memories to see where she lives."  Freya told Klaus as she looked to the others. 

Immediately Hope fasted walked over to her aunt Davina's and grabbed her Aunt's hand without hesitation as she pulled her Aunt to her Aunt Freya.  Then turn around to the rest of the family, who are all looking at her a little suspicious by her action. 

" Form a circle, hold hands." Hope says to the family while she wast no time in standing between her  aunt Davina and aunt Freya as she grabbed both her aunt's hands.  It was like her aunts realized what their niece is doing, the rest of the family did what hope told them. 

Freya, Davian and Hope started to chant a spell, soon the whole family is in a hallway  surrounded by painted doors.   The whole family looks over to Freya  expecting her to know what to do next, which she does.  

" I should make them create a day made just for me  for all the help I give them."  Freya thought to herself. 

 " We have to pick a door and it'll reveal a memory. It could be at any time. Who wants to open the first door?"  Freya said to the family. 

" I'll do it." Hope spoke up and looked around all the doors. 

Hope eye's go to a door that's has painted Angel wings on its,  hope open's the door and the whole Mikaelson gets pulled into the memory.

(A/N: Rose-Bella's memory)

The Mikaelson Family gets pulled in the memory and found themselves in a basement,  they hear someone scream bloody murder.

" Oh my god!"  Hayley Marshall exclaimed as tears streamed from her face, while she watched the memory play out. 

The rest of the family turned around to see what Hayley sounded horrified from, only to find a young girl who looks like sixteen year old, getting beaten by a guy  as the young girl tries to gave birth. 

Hope felt anger in her and try's to rip of the guys head only to realize it a memory from Rosa-Bella's past.  Hope walked back to her mum and dad as she held them tight while they  continue watching the memory. 

Whereas the rest of the family is wounding just how much pain did Rosa-Bella went through? 

As the family angrily watch the man abuse  their  daughter / niece,  the guy started to yell at  young Rosa-Bella . 

"COME ON ROSA-BELLA!!! PUSH HARDER!!"  The man yelled in her face as he punched Rosa-Bella's face. 

A few seconds later the family hears a baby crying. 

 "Congregation its a girl."  The doctor says as she went to clean up the baby then went back to Rosa-Bella. 

 Rosa-Bella looks overjoyed however that's short lived when she has another contraction.

" Rosa-Bella, the baby is upside down.  Your's going to have to push harder."  The  doctor  advise Rosa-Bella.  

Rosa-Bella try's her hardest to push,  yet with all the beatings she's took it's making it hard for her to keep going.  The family has tears in their eye fearing someone is going to die. 

The guy gets impatient  wanting to get this done with and punch's Rosa-Bella's stomach way too hard.  young Rose-Bella screaming in more pain then before if that where even possible.  As the baby comes out and there is no heart beat, the baby's head has a gash on the head.

The family held each other close by completely horrified and extreme level of sadness for the youngest  member of the family. 

" I'm sorry Rosa-Bella, your youngest baby daughter is dead."  The doctor told her, after she  treated Rosa-Bella's  wounds and  stitch her up. 

The doctor brings out Rosa-Bella's first born baby and hands her the baby.

" I'm going to do everything to protect you. Your baby sister is going to be watching over you in the sky, protecting you too." Rosa-Bella kiss her daughter's head as tears streamed down her face. 
" Rosa-Bella, Do you know what you are going to name her?" The doctor asked. 

" I do, her name is going to be Aurora May and my  youngest baby is going to be named Andrea May. "  Rosa-Bella said to the Doctors who nods their head and walks out of the room.

(A/N: The memory charges)

The Mikaelson soon are back in the same basement only to see an little bit only Rosa-Bella being changed up to the wall being beaten,again.  Only this time she's mostly naked. The only thing Rosa-Bella has on is a black bra and a ripped old off white stand t-shirt. The family soon see  Rosa-Bella being tasered.  

" God, this man is worse than Michael."   Rebekah Mikaelson says in pure horror filled her voice as the rest of the family nods their heads. 

" please tell me it's all over." Hope says as her voice filled with sadness. 

" I don't think so."  Marcel spoke up to his  adoptive sister. 

The  family see the man come back down with a baby in his arms as Rosa-Bella  struggles to get out of the chains, the man ignores his hostage as he lays the baby down on a table. 

 The man starts to slowly kill Aurora in front of Rosa-Bella,  completely ignoring the screaming for him to stop but doesn't.  After the man decided his  hostage had  enough  torture for one day he killed the baby making blood go everywhere as Rose-Bella sodded. 

The man leaves Rosa-Bella down in the  basement not caring about her as Rosa-Bella cries her eyes out once again for the lose of her babies. Suddenly out of now were a portal appears and another guy comes it looking  completely horrified at the scene in front of him and helps Rosa-Bella out of the chains.  

The  mysterious man picks her up bridal Style and walks through another portal. 

(A/N:  Memory over) 

Soon the family is back in the living room is New Orleans before they could go threw anymore  memories. Freya,  Davina and Hope  breathes heavily feeling exhausted by the amount of power they need perform  in order to see in the  youngest member's  memories. 

The three witches almost fall to the ground completely exhausting, however if it wasn't for  Elijah, Kol and Klaus who  caught them.  

" You all need rest, we'll try again later on." Klaus said to them, well more like to his  daughter them the other two. 

Everyone went to bed after that only no one really slept that night all wondering if Rosa-Bella ever truly got out of that place, were as others are planning a very detailed murder for the man who abused Rosa-Bella. 

A/N Thank you for reading this book, I hope you all have an amazing day.  


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