Chapter 10

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 (A/N: Rosa-Bella's outfit is above, Rosa-Bella's POV )

As I'm done withing Hope out with her Outfit, I start to work on mine. As I'm rapping myself up with my Robe, I start to think about the last time I went to a club. 

(A/N: Flashback to Rosa-Bella's drug days, Third person POV. Outfit is down bellow 👇)

As newly 17 year old  Rosa-Bella high as a kite is dancing in the middle of a club, drinking as much as she can to forget her pain

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As newly 17 year old  Rosa-Bella high as a kite is dancing in the middle of a club, drinking as much as she can to forget her pain. Rosa-Bella has experience pain before but this kind of pain seemed unbearable agony for her. 
Rosa-Bella turned to drugs to help her stay away, when she went to get more drugs from her dealer he told her about a party that goes day and night.  It's where he gets really good money their.   

That's how Rosa-Bella ended up their in the first places,  as Rosa-Bella was getting tried of dancing , she started walking to she dealer to get more pills, when Rosa-Bella stops and see him.   The guy that made this pain, she has to live with for the rest of her life. 

Rosa-Bella quickly walked as fast as she could to gets to her dealer,  to get some more drugs from him.  He gave her the  usual, when Rosa-Bella got her pills she left the club not realizing  she has been in the club for a week.  She goes to an ally way and makes a portal  to go back to the Institute.   

(A/N: Small time skip)

When Rosa-Bella got back to the Institute, all the pain was just to much for her. Rosa-Bella drunk walks to the bathroom and stumbles on her way their,  knocking over a lamp and a few other things alone the way.

When she got to the Bathroom and took way too many pills. After I few  seconds Rosa-Bella started to feel like the room was spinning  but she was not moving.   

After a few more seconds Rosa-Bella blacked out and fell to the ground. 

Isabella ( Lizzy)  Lightwood and Jace Wayland hear banging and stuff falling in Rosa-Bella's room, they go to see if Rosa-Bella was finally  back after a week not knowing where she went.

They ran to her room and opened her door only to see a broken lamp and a few other things  that fell down.  They noticed the bathroom light was on but didn't hear anything,  Lizzy and Jace look at each other for a moment then walk to the bathroom.  They knock on the door a couple of times but no answer. 

They open the door to see Rosa-Bella laying on the floor, with a party dress on.  Jace goes to pick up Rosa-Bella thinking she just fell asleep, when Jace didn't see her breathing.  He quickly put on the bed and started to immediately do  CPR on Rosa-Bella. 

Lizzy looked around the room and  noticed a bottle of pills knocked over on the counter,  She put the pieces together and figure it out  that Rosa-Bella overdose with pills. 

Lizzy starts to help Jace with the CPR and a few seconds later they got a pulse and Jace picked up Rosa-Bella and run to the Infirmary to keep the heat beat going.   Alec and the rest of the Institute  saw Rosa-Bella in Jace's arms and know that it wasn't a good sigh.  

After Lizzie and Jace hooked up  Rosa-Bella to a machine that keeps the heartbeat going, they know it would take a few weeks to get the pills and make sure she's getting better.   

Both of them  decided to check out her room while Rosa-Bella gets better or in this case is stable,  when they got their they saw Alec and Robert Lightwood as well as his wife named Maryse. 

Already in her room and going though everything that could have pills or any type of drugs hiding inside the items.  From that day on they all agreed to help Rosa-Bella  recover  from her addiction when she wakes up. 

 Over time the people that really helped Rosa-Bella were Lizzy and Magnus.  The rest were just their to listen to Rosa-Bella when she needed it and to check up on her a few times.  

( A/N: Flashback over and back to Rosa-Bella's POV) 

I shack off the memory and got dressed,  When I looked at myself in full length mirror one last time and was happy with what I came up with.  I  go and see if Hope  is ready to go.  When I get to my room, I see Hope and Magnus talking about a picture on my dresser.   

Hope see me in the corner of her eye and gapes at what I'm wearing,  Magnus looks like he is having flashbacks to when I wore this dress.  

Hope on the other hand is in shock that I would pick this outfit to wear, Ugh honestly.  How else dose she think we would into a club. of course you have to show off the girls to get into the club or just use compulsion.  Unfortunately  neither of us have activated are vampires side yet, so we can't do compulsion.    

" Are you ready to get going?" I asked Hope.   Hope nodded her head and I turned around walk out of the room, Hope follows me.  

(A/N: Time skip to the club)

 We have been waiting  in a line to get into the club, when we get to the Club doors. We are immediately let in.  The bodyguard must remembers me from my party days, Hope got let in as well since she was with me.  Once we get in the club, It feels different.  Not sure of it's good your not. 

" What should we do?"  Hope asked excitedly.  I grabbed her hand and puller her to the bar. 

  we get there and I'm pulled into a hug from the bartender,  I really don't remember this guy,  but he seems to remember me.  As long as we can get drinks I don't care,  the bartender asked us if we want my usual order which are called ''Sexy politician across the street.''  After we get our drinks, Hope and I go find a table to set at.  Hope found on the other side a the club, we sit down. Hope takes a sip of the drink and by the expression on her face  she really likes it.      

(A/N: Small time skip)

Hope has had about five Sexy politician across the street drinks plus my drink.  I for some reason haven't had any yet, maybe it's because I went through hell in recovery.  A song comes on and Hope wants to go dance on the Dance Floor, she got up and went to go dance.  As she's  dancing I watched her from my seat  since I'm not really in that dancing mode.   Then Blackness. 

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I hope you all have an amazing day. 

- R 

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