Chapter 1

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(A/N: Rosa-Bella POV) 

I woke up with a gasp letting air in my lugs as my eyes shot up.  I looked at the wooden ceiling as I try to contain the violent shaking my body is experiencing  from yet another night terror. I felt a set of hands tightly grip my arms as I felt another pair of hands grip my hands. 

" Rosa-Bella breath, you are safe."  I hear my best friend, Jace Wayland say. 

" You are not there, you are at the Institute." I hear my other best friend, Alec lightwood say. 

I felt their grips still hold in place as I began to feel my body start relaxes while I looked  what's in front of me, only to be met with both of them looking deeply concerned,  as usual. 

" I'm okay." I breathed out, still shaken up but that's normal for me. 

They slowly let their hands go as I slowly get up from my bed and  carefully walked to my bathroom,  man I must have lost a bit more blood then a few nights ago. 

I can tell they are watching me,  honestly they all are true angels.  I mean putting up with all my issues and helping me, I  couldn't have asked for a better family.  Even if they may not be blood  related but still, they are my family. 

I  finally made it to the bathroom and I started to get cleaned as well washed.  I might as well get ready for the day well I'm up. 

( A/N: Outfit put top 👆)

Once I'm  finally done getting ready for the day, I walked back out of the bathroom only to still see Alec and Jace  stilling on my bed looking at me.  I gave them my thanks which they nodded their heads at. 

 "  So what happened the other night?" I asked them  wondering how the mission went on a few days ago.   They both exchanged a look then decided to get cough me up the newest Shadow hunter.  Wise Choice, they knew I'll just  find out myself if they didn't just tell me. 

 Alec thinks this  new shadow hunter is a "problem."  I think this Clary Fray is going to be some fun although a real pain in the ass judging by the mirror conversation Jace told me about. 

I nodded my head as I got up from my bed and grabbed my bag that Lizzy gave me, maybe this  newbie and Lizzy would like some coffee. 

I head to  Clary Fray's room since that's were Lizzy is from what Alec and Jace told me, I walked in the room since the door is already open. 

I saw Lizzie look at me of concerned like usual and Clary Fray look at me with sad eyes. Ugh fuck off with the sad eyes. That's the last thing I need is  someone else's self pity.  Whatever. 

 "Hello I'm Rosa-Bella May.  It's nice to meet you." I say as I sent her a small smile, which made Clary looks more calm then before.  Wired. 

 "Hey, I'm Clary Fray." Clary says a little stand off ish, I mean understandable given her  circumstances. 

 " I'm going to get coffee, Do you guys want some?" I asked them as I pulled out  pen and paper from my bag.  I mean I know I have a phone but the old school ways are just way easier. 

" No, thank you.  However you could tell me what the hell is going on?" Clary said then  exclaimed  towards the end. 

I put away my pen and paper back in my bag,  I  really don't have patience or energy to deal with high emotions at the moment but she has no idea what's going on so I'm going to let it side.  

I started to tell her everything about the supernatural world and show her proof, after I'm done telling her I see Clary looks shocked.  What else is new, why can't there be a person out there who would just be excited for the  fun adventures they would have  instead of worrying about the  negative aspect of it?! 

Long lost twinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن