Entry 33

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It's been almost a week so let me describe what has gone on, first, I finished the Holy Ground stuff, and started working on the military bases, the Jiyū city defense force base, it had lodgings and a mess hall, it had a big armory, a big Garage for all the military vehicles, it had several hangers, and had a couple of workshops, It also had a section for boot camp.

I also had a radio station built and now manufacture radios, this is for military and civilian usage.

Well, that brings me to the point im at now, standing in my lab the final thing I wanted to work on before I left for Vale.

I want to mix biology and holy Mana, my mindset behind this is, both gods created the first humans, and before humans, the god of Light made things creatures of purity, now that is said to be animals but the god of darkness made his actions to destroy his brother's creations....he made the Grimm, so if the god of lights creation is the animals, then why don't Grimm and animals fight.

I believe that the Light's creations have been destroyed, and Grimm was just left, Grimm only attack humans because with no further instructions, they attack the only creation that Light has left, Half of a human.

Now creatures of Grimm fear the silver eyes, soo I think they could be the offspring of Lights creations with humans.

But if the Grimm fears the creations of Light, and are damaged by holy mana, then I will make Holy creations, they will be similar to angels.

I am getting close to Godhood, aren't I? I didn't want to admit it but, I may be close to that point.

[Quest Alert]
Quest to Godhood
[X]become omnipotent (max Observe skill)
[]become all-powerful(max one skill or affinity to specialize)
[]start your religion(have worshipers[will give exp boost{#of followers×4}])

Well...alright, let me get back to making an angel/maybe head Priestess

So to start I make the form of a young woman, about 5'4", white hair form from her head, and finally, she has blue eyes, once her body has been completed I form a massive mana tank, and fill it with Holy mana, I then further imbued her very soul with holy mana and finally, I give her the typical Angel wings, after that, I imbued life into her and fill her lungs with air

The girl on the table gasps and shoots up before coughing, she looks around not knowing what's going on.

I suddenly put on a persona and speak in a very regal manner "fear not my child, you are safe, you have just been formed so you may be wondering what is going on. well, I am your creator, and you are to be my Priestess, you are not an average human, you are a holy person, I have given you the power over the Darkness, always fight for peace and stability of this Holy Land, you are to provide fair Justice to the Humans who seek to disturb this peace,
You are Archangel Hestia, purveyor of Justice, peace, light, and purity"

She knelt on one knee before saying "yes, my creator, your will be done"

She walked out of the door before flying around the city looking for any threats of Grimm or people who would choose to attack us.

In the meantime, I go over to a large area of land and build a temple with a large Plaza, I then fill the temple full of ornate sculptures of gold, and fill the temple full of thick atmosphere of holiness using every spell I could, the pipes have holy water, the candles burn holy fire, and the very walls are built from Holy ground. So needless to say that this place would make a Grimm confess its sin.

Leaving the temple I walk back to the plaza and form a very tall tree and imbued it with Holy magic

[Holy life spell created: you can make any lifeform into Holy creatures, these creatures can perform miracles, Obliterate Grimm in a sweep and have very long lives, only dying to overwhelming darkness or injury]

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