Entry 28

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(Two weeks after the last chapter)

siting in an underground cavern with artificial light, and an artificial waterfall, I sit legs crossed and I do something I haven't done in many years, I meditate, I begin to focus on the powers inside me. I close my eyes and picture an ocean, it's a bright blue ocean, and sparkles of mana levitate from the water. a boat appears in the water, I walk over and lay in it. the little boat begins to drift off into the expanses of the mana ocean and soon I find a man sitting on some rocks in the water.

"Oh! hello, I didn't hear you float up, how did you get here?" the man said

"I don't know 100%, I was meditating and found the edge of an ocean and hopped in a boat that drifted here, so what is your name, mine is vincent"

"I'm actually your subconscious, tnecniv(a/n tin-nec-niv) you are the conscious part of the mind, so what brings you here?"

" oh not much, just looking to expand some understanding and learn how this magic is different from what the people of Remnant possess,"I respond

"OH! I can help you with that, let me join you in that boat and take you to the parts where your unrealized mana is at" Tinec said

we rode through the vast ocean once again and after a bit,t we came to a place that was shrouded with fog and thick dark clouds.

"her is where your mana is in its most pure form, the subconscious waves of energy that flow through your mind, the main difference to the others in Remnant: first is the size of their mana pool, Jaune's is like that of a small pond and heck Ozpin's is more like a large lake, and since his mana is draining without resupply, it's drying up, now to say yours is just an ocean is not true, since you access the entire flow of mana. the only ones able to access the flow is you, Salem, and the maiden's, but see, they are only getting the mana through some kind of pipe. think of it as water flowing through a pipe, only so much can go through at once, but you, it acts more like a flood gate that can open, meaning YOU regulate the max amount of mana that is used." tinec explained

"is it possible to direct the flow to other people, because I want to let the others be able to use this power," I asked

"if you could find a way to access their mana pool, and unlock it, then find a way to get it to connect to the flow then it's very possible, but be careful who you do this too, work on a type of mana refresh for now, honestly its easier to create a new living creature with mana then modify an already living creature, so start with making a golem that's connected to the flow" tinec responded " one more thing combining plant and biology will make Life mana rather than 2 separate affinities"

"thx for everything, Farwell," I told Tinec before slowly pulling myself back to reality

Once back in the real world I'm still in the underground cavern. I head back up to the surface once again and realized that some of my skills and stats have been updated.

"Stats, skills"

[Name: Vincent paul
Titles: Forgotten king(gives you+7 Chr and +8 Wis

Reborn king adds a +3 to all stats and automatically gives you+15 Rep points with anyone you meet

LVL: 54

Int: 120+3

Stat points:190


Gamers life(MAX)

String instrument mastery(lvl. 50)
How well you can play the stringed instruments [advanced]

complex Explosive making(lvl. 63)
*you can make and understand the functions of creating a complex explosive device*

Natural leaders(MAX)
*when leading people you get a +6 Chr modifier*

Automatic weapons mastery(lvl50)

Small arms mastery(LVL60)

Hand to hand combat mastery(LVL80)

[magical affinity control(LVL 125)
* allows the user to control affinities such as:
-fire IX
-water IX
-earth XII
-wind X
-purity VIII
-life II
-darkness III
-metal XX
-dust XX
-food X
-holy IX

death I
-music III
-time III
-gravity III

programming I ]

Observe(LVL MAX)] can see and know anything about a person or object

[rune making LVL:10]

looks like things are definitely picking up on the skills aspect, well, I have a massive list of things that need to do so instead of sitting around all day, Let's get to work.

I sit at my desk and looked at my papers. I go ahead and call in Peleus and my new minister of Transportation
Joseph Marx, as well as Toukinuma Samou the mayor of Liberation

Joseph was recovering drug addict who used to be Mistral's main infrastructure coordinator. After getting hurt in a Grimm accident (no pun intended) the doctors gave him an addictive medication that he got hooked on the stuff. After his wife left him he lost his house and started living in the streets. Hearing his story, I used purity magic to clear the poison from his body and mind, then gave him this job.

"Alright gentleman, this is my first meeting with all three of us, so I will start by asking both of you about any updates and what the progress is"

Joseph stepped forward "all of the roads inside the walls have been paved and the roads leading out to Liberation is 25 percent complete and should be completed in the next month. Now the All-terrain Train network will start with its construction phase, I would also like to ask you for a few of your Golems to help construct the two new trains as more and more people are working we are having difficulty finding workers for all these new projects. I believe that is all for transportation"

"Thanks, I will make sure that you get some golems" I responded before turning to mayor Samou.

Samou stepped forward as Joseph stepped back "your Majesty, the Village of Liberation is doing marvelously and we just had a memorial service for those lost in the original attack, we are having difficulty with getting agriculture properly working the facilities of the village are lacking and need replacing, and we would also like our roads to be updated. That is all your Majesty"

"Alright, so I will have to visit the village in the coming weeks to get a grasp of what is needing to be done so prepare a list of things that need to be addressed, and Joseph, make sure that the workers pave the roads in Liberation," I said as Samou stepped back and Joseph saluted.

I finally turn to Peleus as he steps forward "your Majesty, things are going well on my end, the only thing that I have heard complaints about is the lack of a better way of distribution of information. Since we are not in any position to start a television station or radio station, I say that we should at least start a newspaper, to share with people." Peleus explained

"Very good, what is the status of the military," I asked

"Well, the men are equivalent to a highly trained village militia, or possibly a special police unit, they lack a lot of equipment like armor and weapons if we are wanting to expand the military we first need to expand the population, by a lot," peleus said

"Alright, samou, set up a place for people to be recruited voluntarily into the military. Alright, everyone, this concludes the first of many meetings" I said

The three saluted before walking out.

Well, it sounds like me rushing all these projects caused a bit of a crisis, everyone who can work is working, I think, we might have to advertise in every village that I can.

I go to my lab and create large bird-like creatures that can fly and carry flyers. I use their claws to be able to attach the paper to a post.

I make six of these birds and had every 100 flyers. Soon they took off for the sky.

And me? I took myself to my warehouse and began making equipment for various businesses.

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