Entry 6

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The next day I leave to look for the criminal underground or someone who will buy me a car.

Ren and Nora decided to look around the area of the city around the hotel, maybe find some interesting food.

Back in haskaria, we had this interesting dish, it was a hunk of beef the was dry rubbed then marinated overnight, it had such a great smoky flavor, maybe I can revive that here one day

Continuing through the city I walk into a sketchy-looking club making sure to stay on guard.

I walk up to a bar and drop 300L on the counter

"Look, we don't serve kids," the bartender said

I looked and smiled "oh that's fine, I just need some info, on where to find someone who would buy me a car," I said not so subtly placing another 100L down

"What kind of car you looking for," he asked

"Oh nothing crazy, just within the 30,000L range" I responded

The bartender sighed before saying" I won't ask how you have that much money at your age so I will just say follow me"

I followed the bartender behind the bar and through a door to an even more sketchy area. We enter a large office and find a very stereotypical mob boss

"Ey Pauly what are ya doin' here with the kid, ya breakin' my balls here"

"U-uh sorry boss, this kid was asking where he could find a car, so I brought him here," Pauly said

"Ugh, you dimwit, fine kid what is your budget." The mobster asked

"30,000 for the car, 35,000 for your services," I say clearly

"Hmm its profit for us no matter what, look uh kid do you know how to drive?" the monster asked

"Yes," I said again

"Ok, well don't come crying to me if you get arrested, follow Pauly here and he'll get your car. Oh and remember that I got more services if you need them" the mobster said

"I will keep that in mind if I need anything," I said before leaving the office.

It took us about half an hour, but we walked to a small warehouse that had about 250 different cars. He brought me up to one the looked rather sporty.

"This is a Kevrolet Kamero, it got a decent speed, it's new, and was taken straight from the factory. It's even under your budget."

It's just Remnants' version of a camero......SWEET!!

"Hmm it seems fine, ill take it," I said handing him the money" I will give ya a bit extra if you drive this to the gate lockup."

He agreed and I went back into the city, I walked around the city some more, looking around, I found a printing and graphic design shop, so U walked in.

As I enter the shop I first noticed the smell of paper and printer ink. I walk up to the front counter, the lady at the corner was about 19 with blue hair

"Hello, and just who are you, cutie," she asked

"My name is Vinny, I was sent here by my dad to get some posters made for my village, it's being built about 3-4 hours away by car" I explained

"Awesome, the first cool job in months" she yelled almost relived

After giving her the information, I told her a bit about the place, I told her that we accept Faunus.

"Alright, that should be adequate information. I will have the flyers designed and printed by tomorrow" she said

I paid for the flyers and walked out of the shop sticking the remaining money in my pocket.

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