entry 21

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after looking at my stats I decided im going to begin working on getting rues and enchantments so I can create enchanted equipment. I enter my lab, sit at my desk, place a stick on the table, and begin engraving lines in the stick that look similar to logic gates and circuits. I make several lines. I put my hand on the stick and push pure electricity mana into the stick filling the channels, the stick became embued with electricity, I pointed the stick out and tried to force the magic out with my mind, but the stick exploded, and shocked the ever-loving crap out of me.

[rune making LVL:1 created]

I promptly went to bed after seeing that message.

the next day walk down my stairs and enter my kitchen and begin work on some breakfast, I summon some eggs and sausage after finally getting the biology affinity it upgraded food affinity to create raw or cooked meat, I put several plates of food on the table for me, Nora Ren, Emerald, Cinder, Peleus, his wife, and Pyrrha.

we sat at the table and began to eat, taking my first bite I swallow the food and begin to speak

"Well, today I think we need some better sanitation services and finally getting some electricity into this place, perhaps some new weaponry. though first, we must take care of the sanitation. so instead of having the traditional wells that we have im going to place some pumps down and pipe water throughout the village, after that, we need a place for all the waste to go so we can keep pollution very limited."

"How are we going to do that?" peleus asked

"We are going to take very large deep concrete tanks and fill them with the sewage, once the heavy stuff sinks to the bottom we can pump the stuff to a separate take with a purity rune where it will be purified and pumped back into the water supply to make it even purer," I explained

"O-Ok, now what's your plan for electricity, magic?" peleus asked with no emotion on his face.

"well, of course, see, dust may be man's key to survival or whatever, but there are many cooler and more useful things this world could be using for power and energy, we are going to be using steam for our power, the steam engine revolutionized the world in everything from, transport to energy steam was part of the whole process, at least until more "advanced" methods came out that STILL used steam in some way, nuclear energy still uses steam people" I ranted

"WHOA vinny calm down a sec so the rest of us can understand what your talking about," peleus said finishing his food.

" fine, I will show you when breakfast is over," I said

a few minutes later we all go to a warehouse where I do a lot of my crazier stuff and I sit them down in some stone stools.

next, I walk over to the center of the room and start by building a large steam engine and boiler. I hook the steam engine to a 1:100 gear ratio gearbox (1 rotation of the steam engine equals 100 rotations on the generator. it fascinating stuff look it up) I then make the generator be making a large magnet that is on an axis that is surrounded by pegs wrapped in copper wire. Taking the wires I make the right connections.

I then fill the boiler with water and use really hot fire magic to boil it quickly. I start spinning the engine and soon the engine starts moving and spinning the generator like crazy.

I take the two ends of the copper wire and touch them together, they arc and spark.

"and there we have it, we created power, it won't do this forever cause it needs a good fuel for it, the more heat equals more steam, I don't like it but high-level fire dust is the cleanest for this, and there is a large risk for nuclear power, I could do it no problem but like I said the risk is too big for us and Haskaria won't be using a lot of power yet anyway so we can focus on that later

I then go out and have everyone come to the bell tower, I raise a stage and began to speak to the populace.

"attention everyone, I am about to do something that might have scared you if I didn't announce it. I am going to be placing lights and running power through the village, so please do not panic when lights and electrical outlets start growing from your walls and ceilings, I  will also be adding street lamps to light up the streets when it gets dark, after that I will begin work on the water systems and you will start having clean running water. so if things look slightly different it's due to some national upgrades. there is also a lot more to come like a more uniform, police system, and definitely a military. we are going to survive, those bandits will hold no chance with us at the end of the week" I explained. once I finished the crowd clapped and cheered. I brought the platform back down

I walked into the center of the city and raised my hands and I felt as the wires and lights traveled from the power station to the rest of the city steampunk style streetlights sprouted from the ground and soon the entire city was illuminated. 

(Moscow steampunk by Alexey Kljatov)

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(Moscow steampunk by Alexey Kljatov)

I walk around admiring this place, it has become a paradise for those who wish they could leave the world they are in.

1 week later

after finishing the water pumps and piping as well as the purifiers, my main goals are finished.

I had peleus training the men and women to the bone, yesterday we gave them the day off so they could rest until we leave for the village that the bandits took over, Yamazaki village.

me I'm working on making the all-terrain train, an armored variant, I go through the same process of making the cabins,  the wheels, then the engine I created a better version and added several of those and made several runes on the train to make it very light, next I create a few diamond and titanium layer of plates to stop bullets and explosions. I next make a steel hexagonal pattern on the inside of the plates to increase the impact strength.

"This should do nicely," I said to myself before I add a few turrets to the top and gun holes at the sides.

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